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Light-Life Rings (Slim Spurling) – Silver


The LIGHT-LIFE RING, like the Acu-Vac-Coil and Feedback Loop, was developed as the result of discoveries by a team of psychics. The properties of the Ring are such that a “positive” light field is produced on both sides of the center plane of the ring. The light field is generated from the “stillness” of the center plane, thus the quantum effects. The “stillness”, refers to the tensor of the plane, which is described as a minimal surface. The quantum effects are the generation of photons from the plane, which is actually visible in a dimly lighted room. ies; taste tests; and verified or confirmed by psychic observation.


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SKU: slim-ring-silver Categories: , ,

Light-Life – 1 Sacred Cubit Sterling Silver Ring

Light-Life – 1/2 Sacred Cubit Sterling Silver Ring

These rings are sterling silver. Silver is a superior electrical conductor, handling greater voltages and current in electric circuitry. Observationally, it has been seen to effect a somewhat stronger and smoother acting field of energy than the plain copper, likely due to finer, higher frequency vibration. Functionally, several practitioners have reported more rapid improvement, shorter necessary sessions and longer lasting results, with clients having difficult problems.

Read more about the Slim Spurling tools in our website library.

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