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Indigo Gabbro (Mystic Merlinite) – Tumbled 3/4″


Indigo Gabbro is a very strong high energy stone. A stone of spiritual understanding, wear or carry Indigo Gabbro when you want to help raise your natural intuition, clear your aura, and are seeking protection.

19 in stock

Indigo Gabbro (Mystic Merlinite)


A form of Gabbro, Mystic Merlinite opens metaphysical abilities, helps us connect to the elemental realms, assists in healing past life karma, clears a channel to our higher self, shields against EMF pollution, and firmly grounds the soul into the body.

This is a stone of deep magic- formed from the knowledge of wizards, shamans, and elementals. It allows you to work with nature spirits and gives you the tools to see and communicate with them.

Indigo Gabbro is the mineral name for the stone known as “Mystic Merlinite”.  It is a very strong high energy stone. A stone of spiritual understanding, wear or carry Indigo Gabbro/Mystic Merilinte when you want to help raise your natural intuition, clear your aura, and are seeking protection.

Place the stone under your pillow for intense lucid dreaming and even astral travel. This is a perfect stone for unlocking your past in order to manifest the future you desire.

Mystic Merlinite at Crystal Life

All of our stones are hand-selected by Crystal Life President,  Atala Toy. After hundreds of thousands of years in the earth, they are eager to begin work with their new human partners! When stones arrive at Crystal Life, they are welcomed warmly by staff members and the store’s resident nature spirits. The stones are energetically cleared on a regular basis, to help them maintain their own inherent peaceful characteristics and personalities while being visited by so many store guests.

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Additional information

Weight 0.020 oz
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