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Halite Specimens

Halite enhances good will, elevates mood, and diminishes negativity. It encourages initiative and independent thought. It also provides cleansing of the aura and energy body, acting according to its color. Pale white/peach halite harnesses the power of the heart and helps to remove densities and obstructions that inhibit people from accessing their own inner guidance. It is an excellent tool for energy workers seeking to clear themselves or their clients of the many levels of frequency debris floating through our world at this time of multiple crises. Pink halite helps you release emotional pain and negative feelings such as guilt, low self-esteem, and anxiety.

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Halite Specimens

Halite is an evaporative stone – it is a form of rock salt (Sodium Chloride) that is water soluble. Our collection of halite specimens consist of cubic clusters of varying sizes and prices. Halite comes from many locations around the world, the most abundant supply being the large saline sedimentary deposits in California. We also carry local midwest Michigan halite.

Halite enhances good will, elevates mood and diminishes negativity. It encourages initiative and independent thought. It also provides cleansing of the aura and energy body, acting according to its color. While it comes in a number of colors, Crystal Life chose to focus on the pale white/peach halite, for this type harnesses the power of the heart while it helps to remove densities and other obstructions that stand in the way of people accessing their own inner guidance. It is an excellent tool for energy workers seeking to clear themselves or their clients of the many levels of frequency debris floating through our world at this time of multiple crises. We have a number of specimens in stock, of varying sizes and prices. For more details, please call the store.

Halite helps prevent entity attachment when under the influence of drugs or drink, or in spaced out situations. (Does not provide a license to drink or do drugs.) The pink variety prevents spirit attachment. An effective stone for the process of purification.  It draws out impurities that are lodged in the soul from previous lifetimes or present experiences.

Halite is an evaporative stone – it is a form of rock salt (Sodium Chloride) that is water soluble. Halite comes from many locations around the world, the most abundant supply being the large saline sedimentary deposits in California.

Halite at Crystal Life

Crystal Life’s staff and local artisan crafters are energy practitioners of various disciplines. We work with hand-selected, top quality gemstones and materials. Our original designs are based on our knowledge of ancient and contemporary energy modalities.  

Crystal Life is renowned for its peaceful energy, which comes from our commitment to work in respectful cooperation with all life forms, including product, staff, and our in-store and online customers.  

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Disclaimer: Crystal meanings and spiritual healing lore are not a prescription, diagnosis or healthcare information. They are presented as spiritual supports to healing and other life issues. See a doctor or licensed medical practitioner for all health issues.

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