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Garnet Prayer Beads Mala


Master the spirit and unlock your passion with our Garnet Prayer Beads mala. Garnet supports your ability to be powerful yet gentle in your interactions with others. This is key stone for working with the base chakra. Red garnet also transmutes negative to beneficial energy, balances the kundalini, attracts loving assistance for the wearer. It enables you to move courageously and swiftly and helps with self-esteem and bonding in love.


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Garnet Prayer Beads Mala

Our Garnet Prayer Beads Malas feature the tradition 108 bead count and come in two sizes: Regular with 6mm gemstone beads or Large with 8mm gemstone beads.

Red Garnet is a stone of fidelity. Steeped in ancient magic, this is an energizing, cleansing, and regenerating stone with a variety of uses and benefits. Once carried as a protective talisman, garnet was believed to warn of upcoming danger. It is the birthstone of January, inspiring love and devotion, balancing the sex drive, and eliminating emotional disharmony during the month. Red Garnet also helps with controlling Kundalini energy.

Above all, this crystal promotes courage and survival through love. Red Garnet transmutes energy and cleanses the chakras for energizing. It attracts loving assistance for the wearer, bringing serenity and passion into one’s life as needed.

Red Garnet is a geologically related to Green Garnet.

Historical Folklore

Garnet has been used as a gemstone for over 5,000 years. Both the Ancient Egyptians and Romans treasured this stone.

According to the Talmud, Noah used garnet to help guide his ark.

In India, projectiles were once made with garnet. They were believed to carry greater power than other weapons.

Early civilizations used garnet as a token of friendship, with people exchanging it when they wished to stay connected.


Garnets are rock-forming minerals. They come in various colors and have been found worldwide. Red garnet ranges from dark red to purplish-red in hue.

Chakra Association

Red garnet is associated with the base, sacral, and heart chakras. It is capable of clearing and realigning all the chakras.


You can place garnet in full moon moonlight to energize. It can also be moved through sage smoke or incense, placed in rice, or buried in the earth overnight.

Astrological Associations

Garnet is associated with various zodiac signs, including Capricorn, Aquarius, Leo, Aries, and Cancer.

Health Folklore

Red Garnet is believed to be excellent at stimulating the metabolism.

Disclaimer: Crystal meanings and spiritual healing lore are not a prescription, diagnosis or healthcare information. They are presented as spiritual supports to healing and other life issues. See a doctor or licensed medical practitioner for all health issues.

Red Garnet at Crystal Life

We hand-select all our stones here at Crystal Life. After hundreds of thousands of years in the earth, they are eager to begin work with their new human partners! When stones arrive at Crystal Life they are welcomed warmly by staff members and the store’s resident nature spirits. The stones are energetically cleared on a regular basis, to help them maintain their own inherent peaceful characteristics and personalities while being visited by so many store guests.

We would love to stay connected with you via our various avenues of communication – Facebook, PinterestInstagramYouTube Twitter and the Nature Spirit Community.  You can also sign up for our weekly newsletter at the bottom of this page. 

Check out all of Crystal Life‘s red garnet products here!

Learn more about the metaphysical properties of stones by visiting our Crystal and Gemstone Dictionary!

Additional information

Weight 5 oz


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