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Crazy Lace Agate – Tumbled 3/4″


Cubish Tumbled Crazy Lace Agate is a happy stone promoting inner stability, outward composure, and maturity. This stone of focus assists when making difficult decisions – helping your mind to be more flexible and not fixed on one solution. 

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Cubish Tumbled Crazy Lace Agate

This Cubish Crazy Lace Agate tumbled stone is 1/2″ – 3/4″ in length.

Cubish Tumbled Crazy Lace AgateCrazy lace agate is a joyful stone that promotes stability and maturity. This stone is good for focus, helping you to make difficult decisions by promoting mental agility. 

This stone helps you to laugh, absorbing emotional pain and protecting you from further hurt. It also helps to protect you from sudden fears or negatives vibes. Wear or carry it as an amulet when traveling. 

Crazy lace agate comes from Mexico. 

History & Folklore

Helps you to overcome your fear of spiders and crawling insects. 

Helps shy children to come out of their shell and help them to communicate. 

Chakra Association

Base and Sacral

Health Folklore

All the folklore assistance for health is the same as for the agate family

Disclaimer: Crystal meanings and spiritual healing lore are not a prescription, diagnosis or healthcare information. They are presented as spiritual supports to healing and other life issues. See a doctor or licensed medical practitioner for all health issues.

Crazy Lace Agate at Crystal Life

We hand-select all of our stones at Crystal Life. After hundreds of thousands of years in the earth, they are eager to begin work with their new human partners! When stones arrive at Crystal Life, they are welcomed warmly by staff members and the store’s resident nature spirits. The stones are energetically cleared on a regular basis, to help them maintain their own inherent peaceful characteristics and personalities while being visited by so many store guests.

We would love to stay connected with you via our various avenues of communication – FacebookNature Spirit CommunityInstagramTwitterPinterest, and YouTube.  You can also sign up for our weekly newsletter at the bottom of this page. 

Check out all of Crystal Life‘s Crazy Lace Agate products here!

Additional information

Weight 0.060 oz


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