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Carnelian Bracelets, Anklets | Gemstone Therapy


Gemstone Therapy Carnelian bracelets and anklets help you stay confident in your actions. Carnelian necklaces, bracelets and anklets help you see the universe as a loving, supportive home. Carnelian provides you with the inner strength to create your own stable, supportive environment. Helps with career success & personal power.


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Carnelian Bracelets, Anklets

Carnelian Bracelets and Anklets are part of Crystal Life’s Resonance® – Jewelry with Purpose® gemstone therapy jewelry. USA handcrafted by our own local artisans on flexible steel cord (excellent for athletes, beachwear) with sterling silver closures.

Bracelets are 7 1/2″; anklets are 9 1/2″ (medium size) or 10 1/2″ (large size) of petite 4mm beads. Other sizes available by special order at no extra charge. For more information visit JewelryWithPurpose.com and our Gemstone Dictionary.

Carnelian Free Form

Carnelian Free Form

Carnelian Metaphysical Properties

Carnelian has been a favored stone for millennia. Used by ancient warriors to provide courage and physical power when going into battle, carnelian has also decorated ancient tombs, been used jewelry, and as a talisman of protection. One of the power stones of earth, it has a kind, warming energy that connects to the earth and to the sun.

Full of life force energy and vitality, carnelian improves analytics abilities and helps you to check your perceptions of issues and brings them into focus. Good for those who wish to increase their concentration, as well as, banishing emotional negativity. With the ability to ground and anchor into present reality, carnelian helps to promote positive life changes, courage and motivates for success.

This stone is a powerful protector against envy, rage, and resentment, whether those emotions are yours or another individual’s.  Carnelian is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind.  Full of life force and vitality, carnelian activates the base chakra, stimulates the metabolism, and has the ability to cleanse other stones.

Wear or carry carnelian to attract prosperity and good luck, as it is a talisman for success, making sure it is in contact with the skin. Place carnelian by your front door to invite in abundance and to also provide protection.

Carnelian Folklore | History

Tumbled Carnelian

Tumbled Carnelian

In ancient Mesopotamia, carnelian and jasper were tied around the wrists of newborns to fight off disease.

Legend says the Prophet Mohammed wore carnelian mounted on silver with the name of Allah inscribed.

In ancient times, carnelian was buried with the dead to help protect them on their journey in the afterlife.

Carnelian Geology

Carnelian is a semi-precious gemstone. A form of cryptocrystalline quartz which also includes types of agate, onyx, and jasper.

Carnelian Ganesh Bracelet

Carnelian Ganesh Bracelet

Carnelian & the Chakras

Base and sacral.

About Crystal Life 

Crystal Life’s staff and local artisan crafters are energy practitioners of various disciplines. We work with hand-selected, top quality gemstones and materials. Our original designs are based on our knowledge of ancient and contemporary energy modalities. 

Crystal Life is renown for its peaceful energy, which comes from our commitment to work in respectful cooperation with all life forms, including product, staff, and our in-store and online customers. 

We would love to stay connected with you via our various avenues of communication – FacebookNature Spirit CommunityInstagramTwitterPinterest, and YouTube.  You can also sign up for our weekly newsletter at the bottom of this page. 


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