Perhaps you have heard the term,”That was really chaotic,” or, “What a mess that was.” When everything piles up or seems out of control, we tend to fall apart. We will cry, “Why me? What did I do to deserve this.” Many times we will go into the victim mode, that feel sorry for myself place. Granted perhaps we expect more from life, but it isn’t always what we expect it to be. How would we learn if it was smooth all the time? This is where Chaos comes in.
Here are several definitions of chaos that may be helpful.
Chaos, with small “c”, may be classified as disorder and confusion at all levels. As in, “What a mess you made in the kitchen just to make macaroni and cheese.”
Chaos, with a capital “C”, is about what is called the Prima Matearia -the first substance of creation. The void that contains the unmanifested energy of all that is. The place where all things may be drawn into existence in the third dimension. Chaos = Shiva and Kali, the masculine /feminine energy of destruction. Chaos in effect is the unmanifested energy of all things which may be thought into existence
Chaos from the scientific aspect is active on a non linear level. In other words, as stated in “The Butterfly Effect,” the flapping of a butterfly wing in Brazil will cause a tornado in Texas. This statement is about cause and effect. One misstep or mathematical calculation will cause the situation to change.
Then there is what is called the “Law of Chaos,” which simply means that which has been manifested is disintegrating back to the elements of creation or into dissolution.
Now that we have defined chaos let’s rethink those definitions. Chaos on any level is about change. It is simply about birth, death, rebirth and change in one’s life on a daily basis. It may be catastrophic, life changing, a new approach to an old way of doing something, or even just doing something.
Here is a little experiment. Throw a pebble in the water. Count the waves that that pebble makes. There are nine waves, now watch them return in on themselves. When you threw the pebble into the still water you created Chaos, that Chaos went out as far as it could go then returned in on itself until it reached the place where it began. In short it created and ended a process. You do this with everything that you do whether by thought or by action.
Chaos, capitalized or not, is a process of life. It is a state in which we learn, grow and change our lives and situations. So the next time you find Chaos at your door invite him/her in for a talk or roundtable discussion. You will find the situation not so bad after all. There is, however, something you must do to receive this Chaos and understand it . You must be grounded firmly, centered squarely, and able to use both the knowledge and wisdom that life has given you.
Here are stones that will assist you –
Presili Bluestone – Anchors both to the earth core and the cosmic center.
Agate – Centers and stabilizes physical energy.
Amethyst – Centers one mentally and spiritually.
Chrysanthemum Stone – Centers in the present moment .
Bloodstone – Grounding and protection.
Magnetite/lodestone – grounding .
Smokey Quartz – Grounds spiritual energy dissolves negativity