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I’ve been around a long time now, having started my search during the hippie years of the 1960s. Having an addictive type personality, in an age where addiction was becoming a popular pastime, I decided that if I had that personality – I would focus on something worth being addicted to. I consciously chose to become “addicted” to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of God. At the very least I would be focusing on a positive goal; if I was lucky and focused well, I might actually get to know a bit about the source of the all!

Atala ToyWell, the years have proven my quest decision to be a good one. I started out exploring at a time when “meditation” was considered a gasp-able slip from the religious path. But it was also a methodology by which one could learn how to calm the human energies to see beyond the individual into vaster realms of existence. It is a good discipline for consciousness exploration!

As the years marched along, in my pursuit of knowledge about God, I learned he/she has many other names, including Great Spirit, Source, the Void, the All, the Nothingness. I learned that many groups considered their God the real one and the God of other religions as false. So I changed the definition of my search as being an understanding of the one Source from which all has emanated.

It was amazing how my understanding of existence shifted with this one change in definition. Now I grew to understand that there are a vast number of strands of existence – as many as there are life forms on earth – all of whom are seeking to understand who they are, where they came from, where they are going, and if there is any sense to the existence of all.

Some humans seem to be blessed with a greater portion of light, and their personal searches and answers become a structure by which other humans, as they seek answers, can travel up in understanding, within a protective wall of energy. Hence Christianity with all its sects, orders, and sub-religions. The same with Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and the indigenous traditions.

I puzzled how some seers in these religions could say they had been taken to heaven and they knew that their religion was the only true one because they were, for instance, Christian and saw no Buddhists, Jews or Hindus – or they were, for instance, Jewish or Muslim and saw no Christians, Buddhists or Hindus. And I came to understand that religion can take us up only so far in our personal understanding, and then we each travel farther, to where ALL religions come together in their own return to source.

Then I came to ponder the situation that if there is only one source of all – how can we say there is good and evil in the world, and that the evil is “not of God.” And I grew to understand that from the ultimate oneness of source, there emerges the polarities of darkness and light. Each must exist to define the other. The darkness also is part of the ultimate source and has its own significance. It is a way to test the reality of the light. It is a way for energy to define itself: “not this – not that”; “this – that”. When we need to go beyond the darkness of a situation, we are forced to harmonize light and dark into their common point of oneness, where we can understand how the group energy works, in a state of growing detachment from either extreme – light or dark.

I also began to ponder the understanding of ALL being from the one source. If ALL emerges from the one, myself included, then the ALL includes animals, plants, rocks – and manufactured items such as cars, radios, chairs, cell phone towers and so forth. If all is formed of source, fashioned from this one substance, then if I identified with the source within another – I should be able to communicate with the other form by simply connecting to that energy and following it down to a level of conscious communication. Source seems to have its own translation system by which we can understand each other at a higher level of existence. It was interesting learning to communicate with a chair – asking it what it felt about itself and what its aspirations were!

At this point, having explored Source a sufficiently long time, I became aware of, and comfortable working with, subtle energy. So when I became aware that there seemed to be other energetic presences in a room, ones I could not “see” with my human eyes, I shifted my explorations further. How could I adjust my own personal frequency so that I could “see” what these energies were? This is where dowsing came in. I had been exploring this discipline, which uses a pendulum to connect to universal energy. I discovered I could internalize this system and “dowse” my way through realms of consciousness.

From this point on, my explorations expanded even further. It became a kaleidoscope experience: shift the same ultimate energies just a fraction, and you are in another world with other beings who are living lives just as real and fulfilling as our human ones. Some of these worlds co-exist with us right here on earth, occupying the same area just on another wave length. Wherever you are right now, reading this – there are other life forms in your area, just at different wave lengths of consciousness. All are from the same ultimate source, therefore we are all ultimately “one”. At the level of our co-existence inside the same space – we are affecting each other’s well-being. We’ll explore this topic – how realms interact with each other – in future blogs.


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