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It’s wonderful the way our earth is waking up to the need to value all life, all cultures and all viewpoints. Some of us are proceeding peacefully and internally. Some have taken to the streets to passionately protest inequities. St. Francis Statue - Large

These are the first steps to universal consciousness and respect, which includes self-respect. It includes respecting and honoring your soul’s evolution through its many lifetimes. You may have, in past lives, been a beggar, king, queen, monk, hermit, wise person, devotee, expert and so on. You and your inner team choose the type of life your spirit will inhabit, to learn the needed lessons that gradually bring wisdom to us all.

Sometimes you will travel to a new place and know deep inside you’ve been there before. Sometimes you see a photograph or statue or symbol and it evokes a strong feeling inside you. It could be profound love, a feeling of protection, or revulsion. It is a deep connection of spirit to something you were once intimately connected to.

Medicine Buddha

As we humans evolve, we become consciously aware of our own past lives, loves, passions, and masteries. These are very important parts of who we are, authentically and eternally.

As the founding President of Crystal Life Technology, I set out to build a company that honors all positive traditions. I wanted to provide ways for people to access and explore these authentic aspects of their own selves. It is my profound belief that the more we know – the kinder and wiser we will be. And the better our world will become.

Over the 25 years Crystal Life has been in existence, we have never veered from this mission. What does this mean for you…and your friends and family, your pets, animals and land?

Tools that Connect You to Your Past Knowledge

It means you can come in contact with and acquire information and tools (sometimes disguised as jewelry) that help you understand and authentically experience who you are in all your aspects.intercultural pendants

We carry images, pendants, statues and photographs of energies that resonate with some aspect of your very wise soul. Wear these images with honor, identify with them, let them help you recover the wisdom you acquired in all your previous incarnations.

Yes, you were probably Buddhist, indigenous, Catholic, pagan and so on. Carrying that symbol helps you identify with the very very hard won wisdom you acquired in that life time. It helps you to consciously apply that knowledge to the situations you are encountering in this lifetime.

Honor that symbol. Sit with it. Absorb the wisdom of the millions and billions of souls who have studied in that tradition, over hundreds and even thousands of years. Doing so will help you find strength, courage, resilience, wisdom and purpose in your current physical life.

That symbol or image is connected at a core level with something you once freely gave your very life to understand and embody.

How Crystal Life Can Help You

If you would like to explore your own past wisdom-acquisition lives, then stop by our Themed Pendants room on our website. See if one of the symbols speaks to you.

Visit our Crystal Life Library and read our articles about various aspects of our complex earth energies.

Read my book We Are Not Alone, which goes into this universal level awareness that we all inherently embody.

We are all universal, we are all spirit, and we are all one.

We are living in a time when we are being called to recognize the equal validity of all life variations. It is truly a time to rejoice.

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