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When people come in the store knowing that they need “something” but don’t know what or where to start, there are a couple ways to choose:  ask one of us for direction, go to our vast reference shelf to look up your scenario, or walk around the store looking over all the stones and see what speaks to you.

Whether one is new to the world of crystals or an old friend, sometimes some advice and a couple of choices is what you need.  Our staff is friendly, knowledgeable and willing to help you find the right crystal for your needs.  Tell them what you are looking for in a crystal and they can lead you to some choices.

Another way to figure out what crystal is for you, is to check out one of many crystal reference books we have on the bookshelf in the back of the store.  You can look up your problem in the index and find corresponding crystals.  A fun and easy way to pick is to pull out the Crystal Bible, think of what you want to work on and open the book.  Then read about the stone that you land on.  Many times that is the stone that you need.

Lastly, you can walk around the store.  Look at everything.  Listen and see what is speaking to you.  Is anything “jumping out at” you?  Is a crystal literally lighting up before your eyes?  Those are some of the ways crystals try to get our attention.  They want to work with us and are trying to tell us just that.  Once you find one that is speaking to you, go to the reference shelf and read about it.  It always fascinates people that part of the description fits what you are looking for.

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