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How many times have you read a book, article, or essay and left not really understanding much of what you have read? Often I find myself in a fog after reading something and I ask myself, “What am I missing here?”

My reaction is to set aside that book or article for a period of time, and after a day or so start another book that requires no deep thought. This new book helps to clear the mind. While reading, I will come across a paragraph, sentence, or phrase that clarifies the other book.

Clear Quartz Generator

Recently I began experimenting with wearing or holding a clear quartz crystal while reading. I find this helps to clarify what I am reading as well as retaining the information.

Let me explain the process, and then you may experiment with it also. First you will need a quartz crystal. This crystal does not have to be perfect. Do not worry about it being opaque, cloudy, chipped, or any other abnormalities.

Collect several quartz pieces (three or four), and set them in front of you. With a hand over each one or with a pendulum, ask which quartz point will work with you to bring clarity of thought and to recall what you are reading. You will only need one so be sure the chosen one is the most beneficial for your purpose.

Here is how to program (inspire) your crystal:

Hold the crystal in your left hand. Focus your intent of clarity and recall upon the crystal for two to three minutes. When you begin to feel a field building up around the quartz piece know that the intent is taking hold. When you are confident that the intent is there within the crystal, then go to the final step.

Blow three times upon your crystal. This will seal the intent into it for a twenty-eight day period or cycle.

Now find a quiet place to read your book while holding or wearing your crystal. Do not think about whether you are understanding the book or whether the crystal is working. At a good stopping point, set the book and crystal aside, and go do something else; fix something to eat, mow the lawn, etc. Allow whatever information you have read to come into your thoughts. Is there clarity and understanding? Again, do not analyze, just let the thoughts flow and recall what you have read.

Continue with the process. The more you do it, the easier it will become and the more you will know.

Happy reading!


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