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There are two roads that may be taken in life, and they deal with different understandings of reality. They are the realities of the physical and the spiritual worlds. These roads involve an outer walk and an inner walk. There is the road which holds everything out side of us and its various realities. Then there is the inner road with its various inner realities. These two roads determine how much our existence is a true reality or in effect how much we are programmed to perceive as a true reality. How much of your life on the outside truly reflects you and then how much of the inner life is truly you? The question is then is how much of either road is truly you? There needs to be a harmony between the two.

tworoads“What are you talking about,” you ask? “You are not making any sense at all!”

Well, let me ask you this then: how much of who you are is really you and not someone else? All of your life you have used your senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch to become knowledgeable of everything around yourself. Intuitively your sixth sense has incorporated this information into who you are today. This is not a judgement, but a fact. So let me ask again, which road are you on? Do you know inwardly who you really are? Do you “know thyself” as many of the ancient mystery schools have asked their followers to do?

Have you looked inwardly on that spiritual road and are you able to determine this is me, and this is not not me? Have you looked at every experience, every “truth” you have been told, every correction you have ever received and said, “Yes, this is true for me”? Are any of those truths something that someone else has given you and you did not question? Those things you learned in school, college or university, were they learned by the book or by life experience? Were you told this is who you are (going to be), this is how you must present yourself to the world? Many times we find we are our parents or their views, those of our teachers or employers because we are told that is who we are supposed to be. One reality I have found is that all roads are always under construction, for better or for worse.

In many of my blogs, I am not saying this is the way you should act or be, it is the coyote in me. I am simply saying here is some information, some or all of it works for me, it is my truth. Take it in, try it out, see if it works for you, what you then do is up to you.

My question again is, which road are you on and is it yours or someone else’s? Are you true to yourself? Here is a little secret: you are who

Tri-Color Calcite Specimen

Tri-Color Calcite

you are inside and nothing outside of yourself is truly you. You cannot fix anything by going outside of yourself to find the answers. Yes, you can get advice, sometimes financial assistance and sometimes everything you need for a happy contented life, but is it truly how you feel inside? Have you said to yourself, “If only such and such would happen” or have you said, “Well, that didn’t work, let’s try this”? Those questions will help you determine the road you are on. It is the heart and not the head that makes the difference in the road traveled.

You are going to be influenced by the culture you were brought up in and all the other influences we talked about. They all will assist you in becoming who you are. The road you walk down is yours alone. Note that road is never the wrong road, each carries lessons to be learned. The quest is to make sure it is yours and that you are learning to be you.

Stones to assist you on the two roads:

Calcite – Any type. A calming stone that teaches discernment with clarity. Helping you to change ideas and actions.

Dumortierite – Helps you stand up for yourself with courage. It is a stone of mental clarity assisting you to understand why you may have chosen a difficult or challenging road.

Quartz Crystal – Clarity and meditation, any type.

Labradorite – Brings clarity of self to you.Removes other peoples thought forms and projections from your aura.

Kunzite – Helps to shield the aura from outside interference by creating a protective sheath assisting you to become self contained.


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