In times like we are in today, TRUST is essential. But TRUST in what? We have recently gone through times in which our leaders have been found wanting at the very highest levels: our religious and spiritual leaders, then our government leaders, and now we are down to our business leaders.
The consciousness of change is descending into the gross physical level of our earth. We should be glad instead of sad. All of us with metaphysical background have known for decades that this time would be coming – this time leading when our earth would be entering a new period of consciousness, one in which we would have the choice to be more aware, in terms of consciousness, or be “left behind.” We would have the choice. NONE of us knew what this world would be like, except in theory.
Well, the time is upon us and we are the ones being given the choice for all of time following, on earth, of how our civilization shall develop. The array of higher forces working with and through each of us is staggering. We are not alone and never have been. BUT we have to learn to listen, correctly. And act: that’s our job on earth, for our combined consciousness team. This is the hardest part of this time, for the actions we are all being asked to undertake are often bizarre, if looked at from the old earth consciousness.
To go forward, to move, requires authentic, reliable trust in those we are working with in the subtle realms. This can be done, but we have to learn to adjust our sight and our views on how the physical world has manifested itself, what is malleable and what is not. This is sometimes very hard to do. No matter whether you are just starting on this road to interdimensional cooperation or are very evolved, the issues match your level of awareness. We are in an infinite universe; every time we master one level of awareness, another whole playing field of energy opens up before us.
We must be aware, because very often the rules of the game change as we move from one field of consciousness to another. To succeed in one field might mean learning that force makes right, while in another it might be that cooperation is paramount. Which IS right? Or is it a subtle mix of all these, requiring the mastery of consciousness such as that of a master perfumer, who knows that a rich scent is often a combination with an undertone of not very pleasant scents mixed in.
Today, we need to develop that mastery of energy: we’re not afraid of the “bad” scent of force, which underlies our ability to peacefully cooperate. We also have to develop our ability to see and act on multiple planes of consciousness simultaneously. Our ability to do so is pushed every time we seek to expand our awareness.
At first, it is sufficient to receive help from the universe when we pray for it, and to treasure it in our hearts. But soon it becomes imperative to receive help while in action. When we have to make serious decisions on the spot, we need to be able to check in with our team, simultaneously discuss the issue with them and receive a “team” answer for immediate action in the physical world.
Here is where trust in the team is essential. You have to have worked out all justifications for your trust in their opinions, their vision in their world, their ability to assist you in grounding this vision accurately in this world. IF you turn your back on them, when in action, you will find they turn their back on you when you next go in to converse with them at the round table of your soul’s mission. You will need to get them to turn back to you, and renegotiate HOW you and they are to accurately communicate so that the team’s mission is paramount when you, the physical element in the team, are performing action in the world.
This is often not easy, and you all know it. Listening to the inner team, which is supplying you with the knowledge of how subtle energy is moving around prior to entering physical form, is essential. But you have to be able to adjust to the different energy signatures or frequencies of your team very quickly, and that is hard while you are acting in the world.
This is why this time is known as the period when spirituality is moving out of the ashrams and convents and into the world. Before, it was enough to be spiritual in seclusion; now it is essential to be spiritual while in action.
In conclusion, let me state that we are all going through this issue at this time. You are not alone in your attempts to hear and see the proper way forward. Listen to your guides, request them to work with you so that you are in communication while you are acting in the world. Help the higher forces to change and transform earth right now, for a better way forward for all the energies of earth.
Thank you for a beautiful, inspiring piece!
Dear Atala, this is great instruction. I just had the living opportunity to take my divining rods into the Coral Castle in Florida which is the exact corner of the Bermuda Triangle and was built by a 5′ tall man moving tons of coral without help. I felt the energy come into my legs right away, and the rods successfully matched the intricate map of energies I was later shown. In about 3 hours the energy completed filling me and burst out the top of my head. An lovely Incan guide recognized wnat happened (from afar) and asked me to stay after they closed to do some rod work that required 2 people for precise measurement. I was somehow really changed. Flying home I had the 3rd experience of clouds reversing their movement, and even slingshotting smoothly backwards at my will. It is the one thing I am so curious about becuase it’s been a life pattern. Do you have any feeling as to what’s in play when 500 mph clouds can reverse motion? I look so forward to working with you more. I just read the 400 p. “The Secret Science Behind Miracles” on Along with your 1st dowsing class, it is the most important ancient knowledge I’ve recovered, and goes so well with your subject above. Blessings to you, Lenore
i’m weary in trying to find my ally or higher self etc. – tho it could be staring me in the face through various things.
have wondered about the ptb’s activites down through the ages. and if there’s something to psychopathology; must be nice having no guilt no matter what you do.
i’m 47, have been into esoterica for almost two decades and don’t even know if i’m a young or old soul. or if i even believe in the paradigm. same for the ideas of this being a school and life’s lessons.
i think it’s basically a prison
or alchemical athanor of hell (meaning,
the universe evolves and you are dragged around with it). tho there does seem to be 4d bleedthrough for some.
i wonder how higher selves and such helped soldiers or the countless other innocent victims throughout the ages.
in my spiritually blind state, i see it as needless suffering at the hands of the elite (as to the idea of the necessity of god’s dark side manifestations).
it’s nice to know they’ve ongoing eugenics operations in de-population.
the fact is, the people’s problem throughout the ages is with the aristocracies (or the phenomenon of enforced, unelected hierarchies and the like).
the elite have a science called culture creation. from religions, the puritanical victorian age to sex, drugs and rock n roll; this was all Given to us in order to push the “herd” along certain paths. and we eat it up. now look where we are. right where they want us.
latest crime example; high fructose corn syrup has been found to be laced with mercury. this is No accident. they’ve been at this for quite a while.
the war is on You, or us, the “rabble” and “useless eaters” etc.
their agenda hasn’t stopped. so my point is…how have they been able to get away with all this, for so long?
have they found a way around “karma”? perhaps this is why they first get Us to go along with the ideas…
Dear Lenore:
I had the opportunity to explore the Coral Castle several years ago, with some energy friends. What we observed psychically is that the owner seems to have found a way to reverse energy, which essentially made the coral blocks very light and able to be moved by him (which occurred during the night, if you recall, when no one was around). Your identification with this carried over into the experience with the clouds. This also ties into working with the merkabah, or star tetrahedron, with its counter-rotating fields of energy, which I discuss in my new book due out in July, We Are Not Alone. It sounds like this type of work spontaneously occurs to you, and I suggest you explore past lifetimes when you may have been consciously working with this technology. Best wishes and thanks for the compliments re the dowsing classes. Atala
Dear markm
Thank you for your thoughtful examination of society. I suggest you start exploring the writings of alternative philosophers who are finding positive ways forward. You always have two choices in life: the light or the dark. What you focus on is what you learn. It becomes your reality. There are many writers who focus very objectively on the good things that have occurred to humanity over the centuries. One author with whom you might have an affinity is Gregg Braden. Check out his books. Kind regards, Atala
Hi Atala, Since moving to Arkansas things have been shaken up a lot in my little world. :) It’s been quite a challenge. It’s funny you mention trusting our guides or team. I’m glad for the reminder and trust that I can ask my guides for help even when faced with yet another challenge. In the past I dealt with wanting to know everything beforehand and they said no can’t do that. I’m learning to be ok with the uncertain. It’s difficult enough when I’m working on just me, but also my 4 person family is stressing. Quite a challenge that I hope with my team’s help we can get through safely and happily.
Markm has a good point but it is also very straight foreward. When u know how the universe works u can make 2 choices, play it by the rules or not :) . The people who have the greatest(manipulation) power are probably the ones who can cheat the best. Every human is good and bad we live in a dualistic world so it’s immpossible that u are Perfect when u are not in balance yin / yang dark / light.Karma is a way of higher forces directing u to perfection, people are selfish and stubborn and see karma as punishment, but when u understand the purpose of karma u can use it to your advance. + The elite have knowledge of there past lives so that is something they can exploit also. And the most important lesson is Everything is relative, so what i maybe feel as something good other people see that as something bad. So good and evil dont really exist, only your innervoice that’s correcting u make it sound like something evil because its not your path / way of living your live.
I just want to share that I was struggling with the communication while needing to act. I couldn’t calm myself down fast enough to listen accurately and I would translate the information wrong. So, me and my team now agreed that then needed an immediate answer I would ask “yes” or “no” questions and my head would move up for yes and down for no. It seems to work well there is no mistaking the message. I am know working on how to formulate the question appropriately because I have found times when the yes that was given turned out to be a no but it was due to the structure of the way the question was asked.