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The Kiss – Trees in Love. The Balsam and the Birch have enjoyed many long years together. 2013.

The pairing of stern balsam trees with gentle birches has been a forest deva’s special project. Atala wrote about this and Laura Clavio turned it into an audio story.

The deva is in charge of a section of woods in the national forest that borders Atala’s family land in North Conway, NH. One pair was exceptionally steadfast in their love and Atala wrote about them in her book Nature Spirits, Spirit Guides and Ghosts: How to Talk With and Photograph Beings of Other Realms. 

Laura Clavio, a member of Indiana’s Bloomington Storytellers, took this story of love found, experienced and lost and used it as the base for her presentation at the group’s February Winter Tales program. Below is a recording she subsequently made of her story. Michael Kelsey handled the technical details of the recording and created the accompanying guitar music.

You can learn more about Laura’s rich background in metaphysics at her website www.thedeeperyou.net. Michael’s website is www.michaelkelsey.com

You can read a blog Atala did a few years ago to update folks on the saga of this forest pair, entitled “Balsam and the Birch: What Happened Next“. For more photos and stories of nature spirits, visit our Facebook group Nature Spirits, Spirit Guides and Ghosts.

Two years later – The Birch is dying and pulling away from the Balsam who is reaching out to hold her close. 2015

Another two years have passed. The Birch has died and is falling down the knoll’s incline but the Balsam is holding onto her with his strong branches. 2017

Nature Spirits, Spirit Guides & Ghosts


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