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If there were not so many colleagues in my area of the Midwest who have by now had contact with the First People, I would be reluctant to speak about their actual existence. But there are so many who have independently come to know these interesting beings that I feel safe in sharing information.

Here is a story the First People have told me. For some of you, this will require a stretch in your belief system to acknowledge the validity of this story, so I am warning you ahead of time to stretchhhhhh before you continue reading.

We are having a great problem world wide with sects, tribes, nations and life forms fighting each other, citing injuries that may go back generations, even centuries in time, for which each group feels honor bound, and justified to injure in return.

The First People were here back in the dawn of human existence, when the Galactic Federation brought to earth their great experiment, which was the human race. This experimental life form was created from twelve different intergalactic civilizations – the 12 strand DNA – and was supposed to develop to serve as diplomats in a very large, and diverse universe populated with many life forms.

When they were brought to Africa they were placed in quarantine in a controlled environment. The life forms native to earth – the First People – were very advanced and peaceful life forms even then. They objected to this experiment, first because it was an autocratically controlled experiment with sentient life forms, and second because the Galactic Federation wanted to take away the First Peoples’ lands.

After much arbitration, it was agreed that the two life forms would co-exist on earth, but in different dimensions. Each group has evolved, over time, and now, with the veils between dimensions thinning, the two worlds are beginning to bleed into each other: there are an increasing number of portals, or contact points, where the two energies are experiencing the presence of the other world.

The First People appear in different guises – as tall columns of golden light, and when seen in the subtle physical they appear as very, very tall beings – something like a mix of the natives in Avatar, and the Forest Elves in Lord of the Rings. They are more snake-like in energy, where most humans are more ape-like in energy.

They identify themselves to me as the First People. They have explained that back at the start of the two groups co-existence, some of the First People observed the Galactic Federation controlled experiment, and felt sorry for the life forms. They approached some, asking “Don’t you want to know? Don’t you want to understand what life is all about? Don’t you want to express your free will?” This became the story of Adam and Eve, and the serpent.

The enmity between the two groups began then, and has continued to this day, each feeling the other is wrong, or evil, or not to be trusted. But, the First People explain, they evolved out of the earth herself, and thus when humans go back to attain full unity of spirit, they encounter this energy they have been taught to fear. Therefore, many traditions instead seek to go only up into spirit, and not down into the core of earth. There has developed a disdain for earth, and that has led to the horrendous pollutions and abuse that have evolved over time in which humans feel they can do anything they want with this foreign matter, earth.

The only way out of this, for all of us, is forgiveness. Forgiveness, ahimsa (non-harm), compassion and universal love. The First People have begun reaching out to humans in many areas. When the humans move into a state of community, of non-harm, of group consensus, they are able to see, identify with, and communicate with the First People. The resulting situation is a very deep appreciation of the ability of earth herself to harmonize, balance, and make prosperous the environment around that area.

The First People have asked many of us to participate with them in a very profound move into the energy of forgiveness. If we energy workers, and “first responders” can help hold this energy of earth, then we have the right and the energy to help all people move into the same state of forgiveness. The only state that will now permit all the peoples of our earth to put behind them past immature actions, and slights that by now could involve everyone on earth, so that we can move forward together in peace. We have our choice: kill one another or forgive.

It has taken a lot of time for me to gather up the courage to present to the public these stories. Helping me is the experience of photographing nature spirits. For a long time, I puzzled that while some life forms in trees and rocks were recognizable, sometimes these life forms got the features all wrong. I finally understood that, no – they got them right, it was I who did not fully understand what I was photographing. It seems that the trees and rocks connect to both dimensions, and the forms they grow as the prevailing energy of their area are sometimes beings from the human world, and sometimes from that parallel dimension.

At the start of this article is an image the First People have told me is one accurate image of the features on some of their people: a very prominent forehead jutting forward, no nose as we perceive of it but instead a shield-like face front that includes a mouth. Perhaps you yourself may have seen something like this in a dream or in a passing image. The life forms are different, but not scary and not hostile and not victims. They are colleagues to work with for our common advancement.


This blog was previously published in January 2012

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