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Several month ago my guides said to me that I needed to discover the first language-alphabet. This would be instrumental in assisting in gaining knowledge.  I didn’t do anything with that, but kept it in the back of my mind where it would come up frequently.

Today many of the ancient languages have disappeared and the only thing we know about them is through what they have written, either with an existing alphabet or through petroglyphs and other symbols that have been deciphered. Then there are others who left little if anything behind. So there are those who travel around the world who record the language and alphabet of those people who are dying out.

I am an avid reader and get a lot of information I am looking for that way. Usually a doorway will open up that will explain what I have been meditating on. One of the books talked about Dr. Jung and his part in discovering a way to access the unconscious mind, or the universal unconscious collective. Through this process he was able to help many of his clients. Edgar Cayce was another person who was able to enter into an altered state and connect with thi


s universal unconsciousness to assist clients as well as to report his findings about ancient civilizations.

Let us suppose then, that the first language/alphabet was non-verbal (telepathic) and that the alphabet centered on symbolism, abstract images and or archetypes. These are all involved with right brain activity, the feminine side of the brain involving insight and intuition. We would see mankind in ancient times communicated on this level even before developing the ability to vocalize their thoughts. Many indigenous people today still operate in this way. When a Native American person needed information for healing or other to help him he contacted a medicine man who through ceremony and ritual  connected with this universal unconsciousness and received the proper answer.

We may equate this with connecting with our higher unconscious or the universal unconsciousness. We can even call this process the Akashic Record, that field of energy (morphic field) which contains all thought. If we are actually looking for a first verbal language, it could be accessed through this field.

Stones to assist with this process.

Magnesite – Balances left-right brain activity.

Lepidolite – Connects to Akashic record.

Pietersite –  Connects on to his/her intuitive side.

Sodalite – Facilitates clarity of mind and initiates intuitive process.

Labradorite – Facilitates intuitive and psychic gifts.


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