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August’s nature spirit photo challenge was to describe a communication you had with spirit, and had a photo documenting that experience. Tera Garcia DeMarco’s photo of a cloud angel and her accompanying story of protection for her teen-age son is the winner.cloud story Tera Garcia DeMarco

We had two runners up. Julie Kopitko Weeden wrote about connecting to the rock spirits of the Pacific Northwest. Kazuyo Nancy Nishikawa wrote about connecting to the nature spirits of the Hoh Rainforest in Washington State.

The winning and runner up stories are below. The winner receives a $50 gift certificate to be used on the crystal-life.com website.

September’s challenge is to write about your happiest connection to nature spirits that you have a photograph of. Winner of the challenge gets acknowledged in a blog, is the featured header of our group page, and receives a $50 gift certificate. Photos and stories can be posted on our Nature Spirits Facebook Community; or if you don’t wish to belong there, by email to photos@crystal-life.com.

Tera writes of the cloud mural: On the road somewhere near Nashville. This cloud spirit showed after a storm as I was feeling nervous because my 17 year old was driving our family. I see an angelic figure and a cardinal, Bird Tribe. The guidance was to let go of the fear and realize it’s my emotional vibration creating the scene and as I shifted, the storm disappeared.

This won as the image of an angel blessing and protecting someone is so strong. And because of the third cloud, on the far left, that Tera sees as a cardinal and that also represents the motherly figure watching the situation. One meaning for cardinal is to be wary of what you are creating with your thoughts, which was the angelic message being given to the mother.

The Pacific Northwest Coast is full of powerful nature presence, and the two runners up had beautiful experiences there.

Julie Kopitko Weeden tells us: While I was on vacation I discovered the nature spirits I connected with were a reflection of how I was feeling and what I was going through from sleeping peaceful faces in rocks, to the fiery transformation of dragons in the washed up trees along the beaches. It is with no surprise that I found turtle spirits calling out, peering from the rugged rocks along the ocean shores. Turtles an endangered and protected species, strong yet gentle, old and wise. I felt like they were communicating with me, reminding me to let things go with the tide, to slow down, enjoy the journey and the beauty that surrounds us. I still feel very connected and comforted each time I look back at these pictures, and with gratitude that they chose to reveal themselves to me. 

Ho rainforest Kazuyo NNKazuyo Nanci Nishikawa tells us: Took this photo at the Hoh rain forest, WA. I asked beings let me take your pictures before entering the forest. This forest was like a magical wonderland. Many different beings were there. Most of them were not hiding their appearance from human. These beings on this photo were very friendly. They welcomed me and showed their beautiful world to me. They wanted me to believe their existence in the forest. That’s why they let me take their photos. They just want to let human know they are there and ask us keep the forest beautifully for them.


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