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We’ve had some questions about Spirit Guides in our private community group Nature Spirits, Spirit Guides and Ghosts. I wanted to share information I’ve learned from my own spirit guides. It is not the be all of information – but is offered in a spirit of sharing, and as the start of dialogue.

It’s a Big Universe

Infinity is very large! That means there are an infinite number of variations on a theme (creation). Since there is no true limit to existence (we only think there is), there are no limits to what can occur.

There are many types of life forms possible.

Each of us has evolved over eons, moving through various types of life forms from rock to human, star beings to human, spirit to form. Each of us originally spun forth from source which means we are source at our core. We keep that knowledge deep inside ourselves and it drives us to keep moving on – we know there is more.

The paths we travel are unique to each of us. We develop proclivities for different types of life forms due to our own actions. What we become and who we associate with evolve due to the part of source we emerged from, whatever mission was handed to us by source, by the continuous situations we encounter, the decisions we personally take on those situations, and the other forms of creation we encounter and befriend, love or anger along the way. Many of these life forms keep in touch with us over incarnations.

There are so many options that in truth the question is not “Are there spirit guides?” It is rather “Who am I connecting to and is the association a productive one for me?”

Spiritual Masters

Jesus of the Sacred Heart

Jesus Christ

Some types of guides who exist are Spiritual Masters such as Buddha, Christ and Muhammad. These are life forms who consciously chose to come to earth to help humans. Over the centuries, their consciousnesses have strengthened as they have been called on. Each now encompasses many, many levels of understanding – they can help the child to the saint. This is always a good place to start – in such a protective environment. You can call on their protection, and they will help you to the extent that the universe permits and that you accept (free will).

Medicine Buddha

Other Types of Spirit Guides

There are also many, many other varieties of spirit guides – good and trickster.

We each have a number of guides, who we may or may not consciously acknowledge.  There are also many types of non-seen life forms who might be in contact with us. What they can offer us and how they interact with us is as varied as they themselves are.

When you are communicating with these beings – it is a very normal process known as “interdimensional communication.”  That is – you are simply conversing on a larger band width than people nowadays currently choose to use.

Now a life form of another dimension can easily say he/she is here to help you – any life form can say that. You have to learn how to discern if this is true. To do this consciously, you have to develop your own inner wisdom.

A trickster will try to convince you not to test them, and protest that you have to simply believe them. They say (falsely) that they are all-powerful and they are here to serve you (false) and to make you wealthy and rich (false objectives that come with a lot of baggage). Don’t believe any beings telling you this!

A real spirit guide will work with you to make sure you understand what they can do, and have you test them that they can really do that. Take them up on this, and make this the base of your mutual trust.

There is the genuine opportunity for you to associate with positive beings who are angels, nature spirits, departed family members, life forms who made arrangements with you to protect you in this lifetime, spirits who are the over-lighting energies for various professions (legal, medical, sports, etc.)…and the list goes on.

Why can you hear Spirit Guides and others can’t



You have a consciousness affinity for specific frequencies or beings which is why you can connect with them. Other humans you associate with may not be able to connect with your guides. This can be because your friends, over eons of time, adapted to other frequency worlds and have not expanded their communication abilities into frequencies you are comfortable with.

It is important when you first start working with a guide to not only test them but also to keep silent about your newly forming bond. Otherwise, other humans might try to convince you this new situation is false. Once you are strong in your connection, you can share.

Lastly, if you are unsure or suspicious, you can invoke your spiritual master or the source itself (whatever you call the source – God, Supreme, Great Spirit, etc.). If you invoke sincerely and can chant your guide’s name or the source’s name – false and trickster forces have to back away. Darkness cannot exist in the presence of pure light. The negative forces might try to prevent you from saying your protector’s name. Just keep focusing until you can say it completely and chant it over and over until you feel the negative energy leave.

So – this is some information about spirit guides.

Join our Community

We invite you to join our Facebook group  Nature Spirits, Spirit Guides and Ghosts. You are welcome to posit questions to the group on this topic.

You can learn more about this topic via articles in the Spirit | Guides & Guardians area of our crystal-life.com website library and in my books, which deal specifically with interdimensional communication. They are available on our website or on Amazon.

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