Different areas of the world have different energies and the nature spirits of that area have their own very specific visages. I very often learn about that area’s personality through the photographs I am privileged to take of the spirits.
The Council Tree of North Conway, shown left, serves also as a totem pole, with the chief energy at the top – the Elfin Prince. Just below that, facing right, is an Indian warrior. Below that, facing left, is a merchant elf. And, at the bottom, a monkey (animal).
So the societal consciousness hierarchy is shown: the priest/ruler, then the protector/warrior, then the working class/merchant and then the animal kingdom.
The prince has a specific look: long, refined aquiline features. What is an interesting similarity is a photo I took at another site about three miles away that also shows the Prince, in profile.
You can see, with the two photos next to each other, below, that the same features are being depicted in a different tree.
The image on the right – in the Council Tree – is in a Freeman Maple. This tree grows wonderful burrs (also called burls), and can express itself through the details of the burls.
The tree on the left is a white pine. The white pine has a smoother bark, usually without burls, and expresses itself by incising images as outline patterns on its bark.
Note in each case that the eye is the primary point of focus – a wisdom eye, worthy of a ruler/judge/priest. In each case the image shows a long pointed ear/s and the nose is very long and curved. So this appears to be a revered leader known throughout a wide area of that nature area.
![Elfin Prince](https://i1.wp.com/www.crystal-life.com/wp-content/uploads/art-atala/trees/elegant-elf-a.jpg?resize=299%2C450)
Elfin Prince
I was wondering if you knew of any spiritual /magical properties of the Freeman Maple tree
Hi Claudia. Maple trees signify success and abundance through the proper connection with universal energy. Oaks, maples, cottonwoods, etc. often express their energy and consciousness in their bark growth, and that is what is of interest here. In this case, the tree is a mature being who, like all mature life forms of all dimensions, has a richness of spirit and has made its own lifestyle choices. Sometimes trees choose to manifest their spirit and their consciousness in images that can be seen in our third dimension. Sometimes other nature spirits work with the tree to manifest images that are of significance for some specific good purpose – such as participating in an earth energy grid, or signifying they are a council tree, or being the residence of a greenman, or grounding the energy of a specific species. Where humans have a broader means of expression, such as writing a book or music that may not be physically attached to them, still their choices in life eventually show on their faces. Trees have a different means of expression, which as they mature also show on their “face.”