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Our Earth is  a wonder of self-offering. In movies, and stories of our human heroes, we often describe and marvel at the self-offering of the heroes who sacrifice themselves for the sake of the whole – the soldier who volunteers to serve his country so that the rest of us are safe.

This energy runs deep within the genetic make up of our Earth. All of nature embodies self-offering, and does so at some level of self-awareness. Trees, rocks, plants, animals – all of these are life forms who consciously give of themselves so that the all can prosper.

Those who live close to nature recognize this self-offering, and offer gratitude in return. For example, the Native American warrior would fast and pray before going out on a hunt, asking the spirit of an animal to offer itself so that the tribe could live. When the animal was killed, the warrior offered a prayer of gratitude, and the tribe would utilize every possible part of the animal from the meat to the sinew that became thread to the skin that became clothing.

I think of this often when I am out communing with the trees and rocks, and taking photographs of their very wise energies that they have manifested as visible life forms on their surfaces. These trees and rocks are living, conscious life forms who self-offer themselves to become the foundation of our homes, furniture, and tools. They are grateful to serve Earth in this way. We live and work inside structures made of self-offering. Their collective consciousness imbues us with these same qualities.

Trees, like all of us, identify with the energies of their surroundings. When a tree is in the middle of a forest, they develop trunk images that have animal energy. When they are in the presence of humans, they may develop human images. They will also develop images of beings from other realms who are in their vicinity, or images of some traumatic or powerful event. They wear their energy. The image here is of a rabbit the tree must have enjoyed having play about its feet!

Many people who visit our store and website tell us that we have helped them to look at their surroundings in a new way. They see faces in trees now, and don’t feel at all shy about communing with these wonderful life forms or surprised when they receive an energetic response in return.

All of us at Crystal Life are grateful to all those who can now See and who, inherent to that Seeing, are now grateful themselves to our conscious Earth.

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