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Winter is a time associated with festivals and festivities. Many religions celebrate a major event during this time. For Christians, this is Christmas; for Pagans it is the Winter Solstice; for Muslims it is Ramadan, for Jews it is Hanukkah, and so on.

But after this spurt of holiday cheer, the season can become quite dreary in the Northern Hemisphere, due to the lack of sun and the presence of cold air. Some people are more affected by the weather than others and it can lead to changes in their mood and energy levels.

Many people, including myself, suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.) in winter. Symptoms of S.A.D. include fatigue, being excessively moody, and trouble sleeping. I feel I have heightened sensitivity at this time, due in part to the emotion enhancing water energy that winter is associated with. Depression, isolation, and low energy are all things I struggle with during these months.

So in order to help combat these S.A.D. issues, I have put together some stones that work nicely with one another to battle those winter blues.S.A.D. Stone Names

Apricot Agate – Also known as Peach Agate, this pink stone brings protective energy. Working with the heart chakra, it is a good emotional healer.

Lepidolite – Containing Lithium, Lepidolite helps balance mood swings and alleviate depression. It dispels negativity and overcomes insomnia.

Citrine – A stone of the sun, Citrine is a powerful cleanser and re-generator. It helps energize every level of life. Connecting to the solar plexus, it brings joy and positivity.

Sunstone – Connective to the sun’s energies, Sunstone cleanses the chakras, bringing joy and acting as an anti-depressant.

Carry this pairing with you this winter and keep those S.A.D. vibes away!

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