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We autonomically identify with our surroundings. Autonomically means our body system, without our conscious act to make it so, resonates with the objects around it. This is why community is so important to us: we draw strength from those we associate with.

Metatron's CubeThis identification moves throughout our various levels of consciousness – body, mind, spirit. This is why we at Crystal Life always emphasize the significance of keeping around you and your loved ones objects that have a high resonance – also called consciousness, frequency and vibration.

Different objects resonate at different frequencies. It depends upon what information the object, or image, contains. Sacred Geometry is so effective because it is a clear depiction of some sort of action at the light field level. This level and these forms can be seen by many advanced seekers; it is the movement of light into coherent form that occurs as unmanifest spirit descends. Some sacred geometry, such as Metatron’s Cube – shown left – is called core geometry, because the forms are common to many separate types of actions.

quartz pointsMany people – including Crystal Life – work with this knowledge to help balance energy, and strengthen beneficial energy. Introducing positive objects – sacred geometry, healing crystals and jewelry – into your personal environment is an excellent way for you to help yourself and others in your community to improve their lives. You can count on Crystal Life to provide you with products selected or crafted for some positive purpose.

To be healthy requires the combination of many component parts. You need to assemble, for yourself, what feeds you – what makes you stronger, healthier, happier. We at Crystal Life have assembled many types of tools (household objects and jewelry) to help you establish positive resonance in your environment. Sometimes this level of our assistance is lost in the fact that we want these objects to also be beautiful to behold! People like to have our products around them because the objects are beautiful and make the owner “feel good.”

4 core geometry mugs

Sacred Geometry Mugs

Our secret is our conscious participation in the creation of objects of beauty and purpose – jewelry with purpose! These are objects whose form draws from spirit – from the resonant identification of the objects with a higher consciousness. Our staff understands this process, and loves to help our community – our customers – connect to the right object for various situations.

Buddha PendantWe have sacred geometry that you can wear and place in your home. We provide you with gemstones of many types – rocks are a very very grounded way in which light fields have manifested in our world. They hold sacred geometry/light fields in place, for us to work and play with. You can place various stones upon our sacred geometry products (such as our coasters) to clear the stones – and to send their varying energies out into your community. Our jewelry all has purpose of some kind, resonantly transmitted either through the material it is made of, or the image it is fashioned into.



flower of life coaster

So many customers come into our store because, they say, they were walking by and something just drew them in. Regulars comment about how peaceful the store is, what good energy it has. Sometimes they come to visit us just because they’ve had a bad day and our store always makes them feel better! People visit our website for this same reason – our images and information are peaceful and informative. Our library is packed with information that helps you to grow in a positive manner.

All this comes from the type of product we carry, and the intent of all our staff to “walk their truth” and to help our community – you – walk your truth in peace and beauty.

So many people are eager to make a positive difference in their community. Creating a positive personal and group environment is the first step…do let us help you do so!

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