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As I pick up the leash, it lets out a little jingling sound. My dog, Valentine, always eager to step out for a fresh air adventure, races to my side. No faster than I put her harness on, her nose is at the door ready to go. Our walks are never boring. Valentine knows her neighborhood very well and always takes me on her favorite loops. In return, she has inspired me to look forward to our walks as well. As we begin, I can feel Reiki filling our space. It was Valentine who brought this very Reiki to my life.

Walk with Valentine 1

What is Reiki?

Reiki is the Japanese system created by Mikao Usui. It is the spiritual energy that makes up all things in our world. The purpose has evolved from spiritual development to energetic healing. Now in many medical centers, Reiki works in conjunction with formal treatment to provide a beneficial, holistic supplement for people and pets. It works on a physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional level. Reiki can be hands on or given from a distance, which makes it a great accompaniment to conventional or alternative therapy.

When Valentine was about six, I took the hint that had been tugging my attention for years. I felt the need to learn a type of energetic healing. Reiki finally entered my life, and continues to be a beautiful journey, especially on my walks with Valentine.

Today as Valentine and I step out the door I’m highly aware of earth’s energy. There is a buzz in the air that that is unseen and only felt. My mind, body, and spirit are heightened to where I am filled with pure love and light. As this light connects me to earth, it also connects me to Valentine. It’s as if we are one unit walking the path together. Each footstep becomes the soundtrack to a mantra. Even when Valentine stops to follow a scent, it reminds me to stop and bring awareness to our surroundings. The repetition of walking is much like meditation. This is when Reiki starts to open and encompass our space. Each Reiki symbol envisioned helps me to visualize the connection between all living things, seen and unseen.

As our walks come to an end, like the gentle release of a Reiki session, Valentine is at peace and so am I. The Reiki mantras and symbols slow down, and Valentine races towards the door in anticipation for a little quiet time of looking out the window or a blissful nap. Reiki feels as thought it has revived every cell and bone in my body. Joy fills my heart and soul knowing that we were walking with Reiki.

How can you and your dog walk with Reiki?

  • Prepare for a relaxing walk with your dog (harness/leash, bags, water, etc.).
  • Embrace the present moment. Turn your cell phone ringer off.
  • As you leave your living space, start to feel earth’s energy.
  • Picture Reiki symbol 1. Silently, repeat its name with the sound of your footsteps until you feel connection to the source.
  • Envision Reiki opening up to you and your dog.
  • Be aware of your surroundings (beautiful sights, sounds, and scents) and take cues from your pet companion. They naturally live in the present moment.
  • Continue to visualize and walk through each of the Reiki symbols 2, 3, and 4.
  • Hold the Reiki space of love and light for you and your dog.
  • Let your dog guide you on your path. Embrace the unexpected.
  • Stay grounded and conscientious, keeping you and your dog safe.
  • Feel Reiki’s healing light around you and your dog.
  • As you start to return to your living space, thank Reiki and the source for being with you and you your dog companion.
  • Thank your dog for taking you on the journey.

Amber Shaner has written a blog for Crystal Life & ISIC before, on animal reiki! To learn more about Amber’s services & animal reiki, visit www.amberreiki.com or contact Amber at ashaner@wowway.com

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