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All crystals can be used as tools during a reiki session.  Some are used to assist the Reiki Practitioner with their own field and some used as tools on the client.  It is good practice to connect with the crystals and see if they would like to help with the Reiki session.

Before you begin, take inventory of the crystals that you have.  Go through them and decide whether you want the crystal just for your personal use or if you would like to use it for Reiki sessions.  Make two piles: personal use, and personal/Reiki use.  Take the pile that you would use for both and pick up each crystal, connect with it and ask it if it is willing to/wants to be useful as a Reiki tool.  Crystals become attuned to the wearer’s energy and if you were to take a tumbled stone that you keep with you all the time and use it on a person, the crystal’s energy might become overloaded by the client’s energy and it may crack or break.  It is advised to keep the crystals for reiki sessions separate from your personal ones, so it is easy to know what you can use in sessions.

Right before a session, take a moment to meditate and ask for guidance on what crystals may be needed and how they should be laid out.  Always do a quick cleansing of the crystals before a Reiki session.  Do a thorough cleansing after a session.

Some general crystals to keep on hand for use during Reiki are: quartz points, amethyst points, rose quartz, carnelian, citrine, sodalite, aquamarine, smokey quartz, and red jasper.  The quartz points are good to use for the crown chakra and are used to grid around the body to pull energy in or move energy out.  The Amethyst points are good to use on the brow chakra and again to pull energy in or move energy out. Aquamarine or sodalite is uselful for clearing the throat chakra.  Rose quartz is used on the heart chakra and in various grids around the body. Citrine helps clear the solar plexus chakra.  Carnelian helps energy flow through the sacral chakra.  Smokey quartz or red jasper can be used on the root chakra.

A different stone can be used for each chakra or you can use the same type of stone for each chakra.  For example, if you are working on learning to love yourself, put a rose quartz one of the chakras before giving yourself reiki.  It is best to go with your own intuition as to which layout is best for each session.

Prehnite, apophyllite, and selenite are good stones to have in your healing space or to wear while assisting others.   Prehnite is known to heal the healer.  It helps seal up any holes in the aura.  Apophyllite is great to place under the table as helps amp up the energy and assists in helping you become a clearer channel.  Selenite is a high vibrational stone and assists in clearing the room and can be swept over your body to remove any debris.

As always, it is best to use your intuition and pick the crystals that will work best for your Reiki tool box.

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