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Quartz is the most important crystal for an energy worker. Virtually all crystal healers and people utilizing crystals in their practice have a variety of quartz personalities with whom they work.   Reading about quartz is one thing – working with it is another. We have an outstanding collection of quartz personalities at our Geneva store and have various families of quartz shown on our website. I deeply encourage you to explore this very versatile and useful crystal – known as the King of the Crystals.

Selecting a crystal

When selecting a crystal to work with, first ask the universe to connect you to the correct energy. Then you will intuitively go to the right one.  In terms of crystal science, there are a variety of factors that influence the energy the crystal is transmitting. I’ll be discussing these over the next few weeks.

The origin of the crystal

Quartz crystals can be as old as the origin of earth. They are grown in a liquid environment and then remain stable, holding the frequency of the earth at the moment of their creation. Their molecular structure is tetrahedronal, which means they naturally balance out everything they are placed near. The power of a crystal does not necessarily depend on its size but on its configuration.

Some crystals are 350 million years old and are sooooo happy to be out and working with humans at last!!! They are real, living life forms and can move, change and communicate when necessary.

Crystals help set the energy of the part of the earth they were born into and are known by energy workers to also hold different energies when worked with.  The most common types are:

Arkansas: healthy, practical all around use.

Brazil: higher frequency, more esoteric.

China/Tibet: very high metaphysical-science, hard to come by.

India: Very soft devotional yet high frequency.

Lemurian: usually found in the Diamentina area of Brasil, a softer yet powerful crystal with horizontal lines instead of configurations, said to connect to ancient Lemurian energy.

Morocco: a darker crystal, permitting one access to dark and light energies, used to control all aspects of creation.

The quality of the crystal

When consciously selecting a crystal, a crystal worker will look at its specific configurations (character), its quality (opaque, translucent, inclusions, etc.) and whether it is whole or has nicks from handling (which may make it more preferable, depending on proposed use of it)

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