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Smokey Quartz Prayer Beads Mala – Medium 6mm


Smokey Quartz helps you learn to leave behind anything that no longer serves you. Gently neutralizes negative energies from other people, yourself, or electromagnetic and environmental pollutants, including depression, and provides a protected space for positive energies to establish themselves. Excellent for meditation and to strengthen survival instincts.

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SKU: 101095 Categories: , , Tag:

108 top quality 6 mm translucent smokey quartz gemstones strung on 100% stout matching silk cord. Knotted between each bead for strength and suppleness while passing through the fingers. Large meru bead represents the oneness of the guru, teacher or guide with the devotee. Includes booklet describing the history and use of prayer beads.

Smokey Quartz is one of the most efficient grounding and anchoring stones. A superb antidote to stress, this protective stone has a strong link with the earth and the base chakras. Relieving fear, it also lifts depression and brings emotional calmness. Smokey Quartz promotes positive thought, assists tolerating difficult times and gently neutralizes the negative vibrations. When used during meditation it raises spiritual vibrations. Smokey Quartz blocks geopathic stress, absorbs electromagnetic smog and assists elimination and detoxification on all levels. Alleviating suicidal tendencies, Smokey Quartz aids in the acceptance of the physical body and sexual nature, enhancing virility – cleansing the base chakra so passion can flow naturally. This crystal alleviates nightmares and manifests dreams.

Smokey Quartz promotes positive, pragmatic though and can be used in scrying to give clear insight and to neutralize fear of failure. Dissolving contradictions, it also promotes concentration and alleviates communication difficulties. Smokey Quartz facilitates moving between alpha and beta states of mind and helps clear the mind for mediation.

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Weight 0.500 oz
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