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Shungite – Elite Raw – Extra Large


Shungite | Elite | Extra Large | ∼ 2″-3″


6 in stock

SKU: 112202 Categories: , ,

Shungite | Elite | Extra Large | ∼ 2″-3″

Shungite is an ancient stone, believed to be over 2 billions years old. Found only in a region of Russia, science has yet to determine how Shungite formed. Shungite works on deep levels to help restore balance to the body. Absorbing what is unnecessary and hazardous, it also boosts everything that is beneficial for your physical well-being. A good stone to help with EMF energies. 

Shungite Folklore | History

Czar Peter traveled to the Karelia region of Russia to use water that had been infused with Shungite. 

Shungite Geology

Non-crystalline carbon mineral, Shungite is only found in the Karelia region of Russia. 

Shungite & the Chakras

Earth star, base, higher heart


Clean and place Shungite in the sun to recharge the stone regularly. As it rapidly absorbs negative energy and pollutants, this will keep this stone at optimal energy and health. 

Check out all of Crystal Life‘s Shungite products here!


Crystal Life’s staff and local artisan crafters are energy practitioners of various disciplines. We work with hand-selected, top quality gemstones and materials. Our original designs are based on our knowledge of ancient and contemporary energy modalities.  

Crystal Life is renown for its peaceful energy, which comes from our commitment to work in respectful cooperation with all life forms, including product, staff, and our in-store and online customers.  

We would love to stay connected with you via our various avenues of communication – Facebook, InstagramTwitterPinterest, and YouTube.  You can also sign up for our weekly newsletter at the bottom of this page.

Additional information

Weight 0.600 oz


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