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Sacred Geometry Pendants | Classic Style


Sacred Geometry Pendants in four classic core designs – Flower of LIfe, Torus, Metatron’s Cube and Sri Yantra. Available in two sizes: 7/8″ and 1 1/4″. These are handcrafted by Crystal Life, with strict attention to clear precision of detail, so that the geometric is powerfully active.


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SKU: sacred-geometry-pendants-classic Categories: , ,

These are a simple, classic pendant suitable for men and women: white porcelain over a metal sub-structure. The pendants are printed on both sides – one side is the geometric and the other side as a seed of life – the classic geometric showing the emergence of matter from spirit.

Flower of Life. The process by which creation manifests from source. From a central point a circle expands; then in a series of six steps, one at a time, a vesica pisces appears (from two circles overlapping); then a trinity (three circles) and on up to seven circles – the seven days of creation, according to Christian teachings. The flower of life form contains all other geometries, including Metatron’s Cube, the five Platonic Solids, and the Kabbalistic/ pagan/ Hermetic Tree of Life. In addition, there are two orientations of the Flower of Life: the one with a rod straight up the middle is called the masculine form; the one oriented with a flat top creating a “vessel” or chalice is the feminine orientation. Overlapping, the two forms create an intricate Rose Window.

Metatron’s Cube. Contains all other geometric forms, including the five platonic solids and the geometric symbols of many world faiths. This is a stabilizing, harmonizing geometric. It is an excellent form to use when you are seeking to call forth and stabilize the core essence of an object. Metatron’s Cube is a holy glyph, often drawn around a person or a place to ward off and protect the area from harm.

Metatron comes from the Greek Meta+Tron, meaning Beyond+Matrix. In some traditions he is said to be the form just under ultimate source, from which the existence of many universes is formed. He is often referred to as the architect of the universe and as the scribe of the universe.

Sri Yantra. Means “the most revered yantra.” It graphs what happens to any energy as it descends to earth. First energy descends (three downward triangles) then it self-corrects to retain its connection to spirit, and then gradually grows in integrity to contain both spirit and matter in equal parts, in a strong and stable environment. The Sri Yantra is one of the world’s classic sacred geometry images and can be used to balance and energize whatever it is connected to.

Torus. Depicts energy in action. The Torus shows energy cycling through and around the central channel of any life form. The central channel is the descent and ascent of energy between source and matter, and it cycles out around the life form in a closed, protected circuit. Working with this image helps you to stabilize your energy field in a dynamic, protected manner.

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