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Garnet Pendant – Green Abstract Facetted 5/8″


Green Garnet Abstract Faceted Pendants ground psychic energy for use on earth. Garnet helps you manifest good fortune, prosperity and abundance in all earthly endeavors. It also activates the heart chakra, awakening compassion & charity.

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Garnet Pendant | Green | Abstract Faceted 

This Green Garnet Abstract Faceted Pendant is 5/8″ in length.

Garnet is a stone of fidelity. Steeped in ancient magic, garnet is a stone that is energizing, cleansing, and regenerating.  Once carried as a protective talisman, garnet was believed to warn of upcoming danger. The birthstone for January, garnet inspires love & devotion, balances the sex drive, and works with you to alleviate disharmony with emotions. Red Garnet works especially well in helping the controlled rise of Kundalini energy

Garnet regenerates the body and stimulates the metabolism. Attracts loving assistance for the wearer. Brings serenity or passion, as appropriate. Stimulates metabolism. Assists in traumatic situations as it helps “find the way out”.

Courage and survival through love. A sacred stone, transmuting negative to beneficial energy. Cleanses & re-energizes the chakras. Attracts loving assistance for the wearer. Brings serenity or passion, as appropriate. Stimulates metabolism.

Green Garnet grounds psychic energy for use on earth. Helps to manifest good fortune, prosperity and abundance in all earthly endeavors. Activates the heart chakra, awakening compassion & charity.

Comes in varying shades of olive green, from tinged with brown to tinged with yellow.

Garnet Folklore | History

Used as a gemstone for over 5,000 years. Most ancient Egyptian burials have garnet jewelry and it was a popular stone in ancient Rome. 

Red Garnet Pendant

Snakes were once believed to receive guidance through garnets in their forehead. 

Garnet illuminated Noah’s Ark according to the Talmud. 

In India, bullets were made with garnet because they were believed to have greater power.

Garnet Geology

Garnet is a mineral that comes in a variety of colors. Each color has a different chemical composition. 

Garnet & the Chakras

Base, sacral, heart.

Garnet cleanses and re-energizes the chakras.

Garnet Astrological Associations

Capricorn, Aquarius, Leo, Aries, Cancer

Garnet at Crystal Life

We hand select all of our stones at Crystal Life. After hundreds of thousands of years in the earth, they are eager to begin work with their new human partners! When stones arrive at Crystal Life, they are welcomed warmly by staff members and the store’s resident nature spirits. The stones are energetically cleared on a regular basis, to help them maintain their own inherent peaceful characteristics and personalities while being visited by so many store guests.

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Additional information

Weight 0.063 oz
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