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Tiger Eye – Enlightenment Bracelet


Our Tiger Eye Enlightenment Bracelet brings good luck and prosperity. Wear tiger eye to clear your mind and calm your emotions so you can make rational decisions.

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Tiger Eye Enlightenment Bracelet

This Tiger Eye Enlightenment Bracelet is made with 4mm A Grade tiger eye gemstone beads. It stretches to fit your wrist.

Tiger Eye Pendant

Tiger Eye is a stone that powerfully grounds prosperity and luck into your energy field. It combines earth energy with the energy of the sun to create a high vibration that is squared grounded in Mother Earth. A very useful stone when you are working on your lower three chakras. If you are working on rising your Kundalini energy, Tiger Eye should be one of the stones you incorporate into your collection. 

Having protective energy, Tiger Eye once was carried as a talisman to protect against curses and ill-wishes. If you’re having a day in which you are feeling “spacey” or ungrounded, place this stone just above your navel. It will help you to have more clarity, to become more grounded, and help you to see what you really need, not just what you hope or wish for. 

Grid Tiger Eye around your home to attract abundance & good health. It will also deflect anything that draws off or absorbs your abundance.

If you’re suffering from low self-worth, are overly critical of yourself, and/or blocked creatively, carry or wear a piece of Tiger Eye. It will help you to recognize your own talents and abilities and help you to see growth as a normal part of being a human being. This stone is also protective against ill-wishes and curses.

Historical Folklore

Tiger Eye stones are thought to be psychically protective. Many believe they promote mental and spiritual wellness.

Roman soldiers used Tiger Eye amulets to deflect weapons during battle. 


Tiger Eye Runes

It was once known as a Wolf Stone.

Chinese medicine used this stone to restore harmony between yin yang energies. 


Tiger Eye is a type of quartz containing crocidolite, which gives it its chatoyancy or “flash”. It is primarily mined in Africa and Australia.

Chakra Association

This stone is associated with the solar plexus and sacral chakras.


You can place this stone in full moon moonlight to energize. It can also be moved through sage smoke or incense, placed in rice, or buried in the earth over night.

Astrological Association

Tiger Eye is a beneficial stone to those born under the sun sign Leo. It helps you to stay serene, especially when worn on the right side of your body. Because Leo’s exude powerful energy, this stone helps to keep in you in check, making sure your power is being used wisely. It also helps you during challenges by making sure your own pride isn’t holding you back. 

For those born under the sun sign Libra, Tiger Eye helps to draw attention to not only your own needs but of those around you, so you can help prevent problems of self-centeredness. 

When your moon lies in Leo, this stone helps you keep your pride under control. Pride blocks you emotionally and Tiger eye will help you to see how your pride is holding you back. 

If your moon is in Virgo, it will help you to be less critical of yourself and encourage you to recognize your talents and abilities. 

Those with their moon in Pisces can use Golden Tiger Eye to help them make decisions on logic and reason instead of raw emotion. 

Health Folklore

Tiger Eye aids the functions of the throat, eyes, and reproductive organs. It is also said to help strengthen, repair, and align bones.

Disclaimer: Crystal meanings and spiritual healing lore are not a prescription, diagnosis or healthcare information. They are presented as spiritual supports to healing and other life issues. See a doctor or licensed medical practitioner for all health issues.

Tiger Eye at Crystal Life

We hand-select all of our stones here at Crystal Life. After hundreds of thousands of years in the earth, they are eager to begin work with their new human partners! When stones arrive at Crystal Life they are welcomed warmly by staff members and the store’s resident nature spirits. The stones are energetically cleared on a regular basis, to help them maintain their own inherent peaceful characteristics and personalities while being visited by so many store guests.

We would love to stay connected with you via our various avenues of communication – Facebook, PinterestInstagramYouTube Twitter and the Nature Spirit Community.  You can also sign up for our weekly newsletter at the bottom of this page. 

Check out all of Crystal Life‘s tiger eye products here!

Additional information

Weight 0.100 oz


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