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Crystal Grid | Sweet Dreams & Dream Recall


This Sweet Dreams Dream Recall Crystal Grid assists in creating sweet dreams and dream recall. Focus on the issue before sleep, receive and recall an answer to the situation.


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SKU: Sweet Dreams Dream Recall Crystal Grid Categories: , ,

Sweet Dreams & Dream Recall Crystal Grid

Thank you for your interest in our sweet dreams and dream recall Crystal Grid. Crystal Life has chosen to sell the pieces of this grid individually so all levels of grid enthusiasts (beginner to expert) can purchase the stones as needed and at their own budget. 

A grid sheet explaining what each stone brings to the grid, how many are necessary, and where to place them is available for free. You may download it from this page. If you would like the sheet to be sent with your purchase, please include the grid sheet listed here in your order – There is a small fee to include the grid sheet in your order to cover postage and packaging.

Grid Affirmation

I receive clear guidance through my dreams

Grid Recipe

Rhodochrosite: 4 pieces. Enhances the dream state.

Amethyst: 8 pieces Brings intuitive dreams forward so you can recall the answer.

Kyanite: 4 pieces. Facilitates dream recall and healing dreams. Promotes understanding of the dream.

Herkimer (or Pakimer) Diamond: 1 piece placed in Center. 4 pieces in body of grid. Assists in positive dreams and dream recall. 

Howlite: 4 pieces. Calming, aids insomnia, assists in positive dreams and dream recall.

Torus Base: Stabilizes the energy field, which is also assisting dream activity to flow freely. Releases negative dreams

Created by Gary Lupton


Crystal meanings and spiritual healing lore are not a prescription, diagnosis or healthcare information. They are presented as spiritual supports to healing and other life issues. See a doctor licensed medical practitioner for all health issues.


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