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Crystal Grid | Healing the Heart


This Healing the Heart grid was created to help nourish, heal, and move through the grieving process. Healing the Heart from trauma, heart break, disappointment, and more, this healing the heart grid can be altered to fit your personal energy needs.


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Healing the Heart Grid Crystal Grid

Ruby Fuchsite: 1 piece. Center. – Gentleness and passion. Helps awareness & solutions to problems. Clears blockages of the heart, turning negativity into positive vibrations.

Lepidolite: 1 piece. Under Ruby Fuschite – Relieves stress and depression. Self-acceptance and love, helps with life transitions with knowledge that everything will be alright.

Hiddenite: 6 pieces. Inner circle, alternating with the Rainbow Tourmaline. Emotional growth. Provides healing to deep psychological wounds of the heart. Helps to reconnect to loving emotions.

Aquamarine: 4 pieces. NE, SE, SW, NW positions of the second circle of grid. Courage. Calms, distresses and soothes fears. Helps to bring closure.

Rainbow Tourmaline: 8 pieces total. 4 pieces for the N, S, E, W, positions of the third outer ring. 4 pieces alternating with the hiddenite pieces in the inner most circle – Attracts love in the physical and spiritual worlds. It is safe to love and brings trust back into your life.

Muscovite: 4 pieces. N, S, W, E pink stones on second circle of grid. Stimulates the heart chakra, brings in unconditional love and acceptance.

Quartz Point: 4 pieces. Connects the energies of the grid, balances and smooths the energies

Note: stones are very individual and may not look like the ones seen here. If you are purchasing to create this grid, our staff will select compatible stones that will work well together.

This grid was created by former Crystal Life staff member Marissa Lada.

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