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pink tourmaline specimenPink Tourmaline (also known as Rubellite or Red Tourmaline) is known for its ability to dispel energetic imbalances within the heart. By connecting with the heart and base chakras, this crystal helps remove energetic obstacles so that one can firmly ground themselves and open their heart to human and universal love. It is a popular choice for establishing a healthy, positive relationship with the Earth and its inhabitants. This stone can also support those recovering from emotional abuse.

Historical Folklore

The name Tourmaline comes from an ancient Sinhalese word turmali, meaning “a mixed color precious stone,” or turamali, meaning “something small from the earth.”

The name “rubellite” stems from this crystal’s red color, which is similar to ruby.

Tourmaline was once referred to as a “Ceylonese magnet” for its electrical properties.

The Dutch referred to this stone as “ash mover” for its apparent ability to attract or repel ash when placed near a fire.

Sometimes, when pink tourmaline forms near green tourmaline, a hybrid of the two colors forms. The newly created stone is called Watermelon Tourmaline.

Red Tourmaline and Pink Tourmaline are commonly considered to be the same stone with very similar (if not identical) properties. They are both referred to as Rubellite.


The tourmaline family is classified as boron silicate minerals. All stones in this family has a similar crystal structure and chemical makeup but come in a variety of colors. These crystals can be black, brown, green, pink, red, yellow, blue, blue-green, and “watermelon”. Pink tourmaline is found in Russia, Afghanistan, Brazil, Madagascar, Nigeria, and the United States.

Chakra Association

Pink Tourmaline resonates with the base, sacral, heart, seed, and higher heart chakras.


You can place pink tourmaline in full moon moonlight to energize. It can also be moved through sage smoke or incense, placed in rice, or buried in the earth overnight.

Astrological Association

Pisces and Virgo are thought to benefit from Pink Tourmaline.

Health Folklore

Folklore states that pink tourmaline strengthens the blood and help regulate the electrochemical workings of the body.

Disclaimer: Crystal meanings and spiritual healing lore are not a prescription, diagnosis or healthcare information. They are presented as spiritual supports to healing and other life issues. See a doctor or licensed medical practitioner for all health issues.

Pink Tourmaline at Crystal Life

We hand-select all our stones here at Crystal Life. After hundreds of thousands of years in the earth, they are eager to begin work with their new human partners! When stones arrive at Crystal Life they are welcomed warmly by staff members and the store’s resident nature spirits. The stones are energetically cleared on a regular basis, to help them maintain their own inherent peaceful characteristics and personalities while being visited by so many store guests.

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Check out all of Crystal Life‘s pink tourmaline products here!

Learn more about the metaphysical properties of stones by visiting our Crystal and Gemstone Dictionary!

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