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Let’s begin by taking three deep breaths in and out. As you breathe in, focus on areas that feel stressed or blocked, bring this breath into the area and when exhaling release these energies from the body. On the last in breath, if you have done the One Heart Flame, move into the heart and find the secret chamber. Here move to the One Heart Flame and expand it to fill the heart chamber. Allow this flame to expand throughout the body, filling every space. When you feel balanced, focus back on the central heart.Eye of the Heart

Visualize the three hearts – the high heart, the central heart and the lower heart. Breathe once again into the central heart and the One Heart Flame. Now exhale from the heart bringing a line of the OHF out the heart and down the abdomen into the lower heart. When you reach the lower heart, bring the energy up the back and reenter the center heart. Breathing in again, push the energy out the front of the heart, up the chest area and into the high heart. Here, expelling the breath, push the energy out the back of the high heart, down the back into the central heart. Continue this breathing pattern, creating the figure eight or infinity pattern. As you do this, feel the increased energy flow and the combining of the three hearts.

Continue this circulating pattern for a few minutes until you feel calm and centered. Bring the consciousness into the heart center and focus on any questions you might have, knowing that the energy continues to flow freely.

Here is another energy pattern you may try focusing on: the infinity pattern. With a popping breath, spin it both clockwise and counter clockwise at the same time. This technique is working with and around the sushumna, pingala and the ida or the three nadis of the spinal column. This will strengthen the hara line, the immune system and other connective areas.

You may also visualize moving the infinity pattern to any area of the body where healing is needed. To end the meditation, focus on shutting down the pattern and drawing the energy back into the heart chakra .

Stones to assist in this meditation

Picture Jasper – Connects to the Goddess energy.

Kyanite – Higher guidance.

Red Jasper – Mental clarity and grounding.

Aventurine – Heart chakra, new beginnings.

Rose Quartz – Unconditional love.

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