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Begin by taking a deep breath in as far as you can then exhale outwards. As you breathe in, pull in Prana (lifeforce energy). As you exhale, release all stress, trauma, and toxins from the body. Continue with two more breaths in and out.

One more breath in filling the whole body with this loving Pranic energy, filling every space.Heart in Clover

Now move down to your Heart center.  Deep within the smallest recesses of your Heart lies a small secret chamber. Only you know where it is and only you can find it. Within this chamber is the smallest flicker of a flame. This is your connection to All that is. Deeply inhale Prana into this area as one might use a bellows on a fire to ignite it. Allow the Prana to expand this flame of unconditional love .

Inhaling and exhaling, see this small flame expand, lighting up the Secret Chamber of your Heart. Allow it to fill the whole chamber with its loving fire.  Allow this light to permeate through your entire being filling every cell and every molecule that is you.

Pull this loving flame back into your Heart Center, into the Secret Chamber of your Heart. Continuing to breathe easily as you go without thought.

Now open a column of energy that will descend from your Heart deep into the center of the Earth’s core and also rising above the Heart to the cosmic center of the universe. This shaft of energy connects you to the Mother below, and to the Father above.

Inhale and send a sphere of the Heart Flame energy down the column toward the Mother at the Earth’s core. Feel her extend this love you sent her outwards to all of the Earth’s consciousness. Feel, see it envelope all of the Mineral kingdom. See it move into the Plant kingdom: the trees, shrubs, flowers and grasses.  Now it moves outwards to the Animal kingdom. See it, feel it move to those who fly, large and small. To those who slither, crawl and walk about on two or four feet. Yes, even to the visible and invisible realm of Earth consciousness. She shares this love flame with the elements and the elementals on all levels and in all dimensions of Earth life.

Feel the Mother collect this love flame back into herself and send it back up the column of energy. As this energy comes back into the Heart, allow this oneness of Love to spread throughout your body and sit with it a moment. Bring it back to your Heart Center and hold it there .

Once again, inhale and ignite the Heart Center into a sphere and send  it up to the cosmic center. Continue inhaling and exhaling until it reaches the Father.

Feel the Father accepting this  unconditional love from your Heart and see it being sent out to all consciousness in the universe.  See and feel your Heart Flame going out to every planet and their moon(s), to every Star, asteroid and meteor. To all visible and invisible conscious beings in the heavens and in all dimensions. Encompassing all life forms  in the outer reaches of space.

As the Father sends back to you, receive it into your Heart Center. Feel the unconditional love that it brings to you.  Release this energy into every part of your body, every cell and every molecule into every available space. Continue breathing through this energy.

Now pull it back into your Heart Center and allow the Love of the Mother/Father, all they represent, to mix together.  All this Love energy becomes one as it activates the small toroid field around your Heart.  Allow the energy to flow to any area that needs healing.

Inhale, then exhale with a popping breath.  Feel this unconditional love of all life surround your body in a loving protective embrace.  Know that this field of Love comes from all life and that all life is truly one.

Call this energy back into your Secret Chamber of the Heart. As the Flame recedes into its permanent place, see it return once again to a tiny flicker of light.  Know that it is always lit and when you reconnect with the Mother/Father, this Flame will rise to that connection of Oneness.

Stones that may assist you in this meditation :

Rose Quartz – Unconditional love, infinite peace

Aquamarine – Calms the mind, removes excess thought, brings a higher state of     consciousness

Honey Calcite – connects to the higher mental plane

Chrysoprase – brings a deep meditative state

Kunzite – eases one into meditation

Azurite – Facilitates entering into a meditative state

Howlite – stills the mind

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