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It’s always a treat to take some time out from life and go play in nature. Every once in awhile I’ll join a photo outing with photographer colleagues to some interesting site in America. One such outing took me to the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State. I felt honored to be taking photographs of majestic, energy-rich ancient trees.Grandmother Dressed in Moss

The trees in Washington State are so tall and so powerful, it took my breath away. They are the most majestic I have seen anywhere in America, to date. Even more powerful than the Sequoia of California, which is hard for me to fathom. The energy of these large trees – cedars, spruce, oaks and maples – was regal, ancient, fulfilled, confident.

I was honored to meet the grandmother tree to the left, who lives on the western bank of Lake Crescent. It is not often one gets to meet one of the grandmothers. Like so many ancient beings, she was both regal and had a sense of humor. Her arms were huge, reaching out in an embrace of humanity, and from  her heart center a cord emerges, extending up and toward the driveway where humans enter her domain. She has a large nose (the nosey mother?) and a large smile.

Aslan by Atala










Farther down on one of the beaches, where many great trees have washed up in storms, there were many root systems, bleached white by the weather, with complex life forms living within them. I particularly liked this one – when I posted it on Facebook, many felt it resonated with the energy of Aslan (Narnia). There are many other images in it.

Bison by Atala




A trip to the Hoh Rainforest – along the Moss Trail – brought me to a visit with this magnificent moss Bison who lives over a river. Interestingly, my store manager, Tammy – also a photographer – had visited this same area last  year, and had taken a photograph of this same creature!




Goblin Tree by Atala

The goblin by Atala





Further along the moss trail I came upon this tree spirit. He said he was a goblin.


























I was particularly drawn to an area called the Spruce Burl trail. It was an amazing area where many of the spruce had grown burls – the reason for this is unknown. I took many photos here – including this one at dusk.

Spruce Burl Trail at dusk by Atala
















And this one in early morning.Spruce Burl Trail early morning by Atala

I hope you have enjoyed this little tour of my trip to one of the great forests of our American Northwest.

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