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Colorado snake altar before I cleaned it up. Notice its sleepy energy.

As I travel about the country, I am occasionally requested by local spirits to assist in cleaning up or honoring ancient altars that have been desecrated or fallen into disuse.

The altars are very natural ones, made of stone, and having, I have learned over time, snake energy associated with them. Here you can see photos of them, and you can see the snake energy very clearly.

This always puzzled me – why when I cleaned up the site would I discover one-eyed snake energy. Other than the fact that snakes are revered in most societies for their connection to life force energy and kundalini energy. 

Then a colleague, who was brought up on an Indian Reservation, explained the situation. Snake heads are often found at a burial site or altar, one eye open indicating the energy is watching the earth plane and the other eye closed or missing indicating the being is also residing in spirit. That is – this is a message transmittal point, enabling messages from each realm to be more easily understood and manifested in the other realm. Which is, indeed, the function of an altar. (And also of special life forms such as Ladies of the Woods whose job it is to bring forth, sustain and return to spirit all life in its domain…see my various photos of these beings.)

The first set of images is from a Christian retreat center in Estes Park, Colorado, and the snake energy is content but sleepy.

The second set of images is from a college property in Pennsylvania, where the energy is more defiant. Here long-ago pioneers had purposely destroyed the altar. Unseen is a stone post holding the altar steady which the pioneers had knocked out of place. The snake energy has been blocked, and the altar spirit is angry about this, hence the red eye. The snake was in essence decapitated, and its head pushed down into the ground.

The first site I was able to clean up; the second site I was only able to offer prayers to the Great Spirit, to bless the resident energies.

This is an updated blog originally published in 2010.

altar after cleaning

Colorado altar after cleaning

Pennsylvania site - head

Pennsylvania site – snake head with red eye

tipped over altar

Pennsylvania – snake head tipped down out of place.

Snake head altar

Pennsylvania – front view of the tipped down snake head

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