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Moldavite Specimens


Moldavite is excellent for communication with the higher self and life in other dimensions. This is a crystal of karmic transformation. If you are interested in connecting with Akashic Records, moldavite with help you download this information. This is a powerful stone. 


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Moldavite Specimens

These Moldavite Specimens come in various sizes. Our 0.6 gram specimens each measure around 3/8″ wide and 1/2″ in length both having an angular, gravel like appearance. The 1 gram specimen is rounded and pebble shaped, it measures 1/2″ in Length. The 6 Gram Specimen Measures 1-1/8″ in Length but is thicker than the 3 Gram piece making it a much deeper, less translucent green. Our XL 12 Gram Moldavite Specimen Measures 1-3/8 in Length and is about 3/8″ thick. 

moldavite specimenMoldavite was formed when a meteorite fell from space, striking and throwing the surrounding earth into the air, where it was transformed by the intense heat and pressure of the impact into a translucent green tektite with no crystalline structure. It is known as a stone of transformation, rapidly working with the spirit and heart by connecting the heaven and earth energies within its carrier.

Due to Moldavite’s strength, it is recommended that most people pair their specimen with a very grounding stone, such as aragonite, to stay stable.

Historical Folklore

The use of this stone has been dated all the way back to pre-civilization, where Moldavite was used to create primitive weaponry.

Moldavite holds a strong connection with religion, particularly Christianity. Some say that this stone was the emerald knocked from Lucifer’s crown in his fall from Heaven, while others say Moldavite was the true Holy Grail that Jesus Christ drank from.


Moldavite is a type of natural glass known as tektite. Tektites are only formed in impact areas of astronomical collisions on earth. While most are black the color of tektite varies depending on its origin. The typically deep green color we associate with moldavite is a variety of tektite that has only been found in one strew in the Czech Republic and as a result it is quite rare.

Chakra Association

Moldavite is connected to the third eye, soma, and higher crown chakras. 

Astrological Association

All astrological signs are thought to be connected with Moldavite.

Health Folklore

Moldavite is thought to connect with a help heal your etheric bodies. 

Disclaimer: Crystal meanings and spiritual healing lore are not a prescription, diagnosis or healthcare information. They are presented as spiritual supports to healing and other life issues. See a doctor or licensed medical practitioner for all health issues.

Moldavite Specimen Care

All gemstones are unique and special. Variation in color and inclusions are natural and to be expected. We have selected all of our stones for their high vibration and quality. Bathe in full moonlight regularly to energize crystals. Cleanse regularly by placing your Moldavite Specimen on a piece of selenite or by moving through the smoke of sage. Moldavite can be quite fragile, extra care should be taken to avoid dropping these specimens.

Moldavite at Crystal Life

Crystal Life’s staff and local artisan crafters are energy practitioners of various disciplines. We work with hand-selected, top quality gemstones and materials. Our original designs are based on our knowledge of ancient and contemporary energy modalities.  

Crystal Life is renowned for its peaceful energy, which comes from our commitment to work in respectful cooperation with all life forms, including product, staff, suppliers, and our in-store and online customers.  We would love to stay connected with you – Facebook, Instagram,  TikTok ,  Pinterest, and YouTube.  You can also sign up for our weekly newsletter at the bottom of this page. 

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