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Messages from spirit are available in many ways, including through our friends in nature. Not only can you receive message through wild life, there are messages in the fauna all around. How can you be sure? If you see an animal three times in short succession, that’s typically a sign that there is something to learn. The same can be said for fauna! Just like animals, different aspects of nature have messages for you. These animals or fauna can also be a totem that you are working with in this lifetime. Totems can be permanent or they can be with you for a short time to help you learn a particular lesson.

One of our favorite books at Crystal Life is Animal-Speak by Ted Andrews. Ted Andrews life was spent in nature and his work is well-respected. Animal-Speak not only provides detail about different totems, it also helps you to discover what animal totems are present in your life.

Crystal Life is located in the Fox River Valley of Illinois. Originally home to Native American tribes, including the Fox Indians, the red fox is an elusive friend you’re most likely to hear in the night instead of spot them. Foxes represent a process of creation that is at it’s beginning stages. Life is shifting and growing into new patterns that will be beneficial to your life. The fox is known as a shapeshifter as well, so take head to be flexible as needed in your life. The fox has long held magical qualities as well. For those with an affinity for the faery realm, a fox signifies that doors are open to you to pursue, with respect, this realm.

Blue jays are not only beautiful to the eye, they are protective parents as well. At its heart, blue jays represent proper use of power.  Whether you are wielding the power or power is being used against you, this bird is a sign that balance needs to be struck. If a blue jay is your totem you are likely learning lessons about resourcefulness and adaptability. Your abilities are about to put to good use, take time to shine.

Many people have an affinity for a particular type of tree. Each tree has it’s own energy, healing and creativity, and it’s own spirit, as you see in Atala’s nature spirit photography. This affinity is a good sign that you are aligned with the energy of that type of tree.

Willow trees are healing trees. Stimulating healing on many levels, willow messages are never simple, they are multilayered and have depth. Willow trees remind you to stay flexible, don’t become rigid in your life. Communication is always key with the willow tree. It is associated with the goddess Brigid of Celtic mythology.

Oak trees represent calm strength and endurance. Aligned with male energy, it is an especially strong energy to teach control and properly expressed male energy. Sacred to the ancient Druids and Celts, oak trees once held an association with the god Thor.

Maple trees are one of the most popular trees in America. Having a loving spirit, maples help us to find balance in our lives and with our male and feminine energies. Not only do they balance our yin and yang energy, they also balance magnetic and electrical. Maples help the individual to ground spiritual and intuitive energy, as well as how to express them appropriately. Maples help to activate chakras through the feet and as you work with them, this can rise all through your body.

Flowers have long been used for healing, aromatherapy, and as sources of inspiration. All flowers have strong energy vibration, even in dried form, which is why they are used as herbs and in healing tinctures. You’ll know if a flower is trying to get your attention if the scent keeps coming to you or if the color of the flower is unusually vibrant. Of course, if you have a particular favorite flower, there is a reason.

The Rose of Sharon (althaea) is a flower that is letting you know love and transformation is at hand. Mentioned in the Song of Solomon, the rose of Sharon reminds us to look to a higher purpose when confronted with obstacles. This flower is a reminder that we have the strength, power, and ability to live life at its highest form.

To learn more about the energy and totems of fauna, we recommend Ted Andrew’s book, Nature-Speak. This book is over 400 pages of information, stories, and advice on how to better connect to the natural world and also the faery realm.

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