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Around our store, when it moves into Mercury Retro, we are very careful about our computer use!Mercury

Computers, at least for energy workers, can get very petulant during this time and glitches and outages occur for seemingly no reason. We all take a deep breath and center before using these electrical-based “messengers!”Mercury rules communication, and as we know around Crystal Life, ALL existence is alive and can be affected by the thoughts and energy of others….especially computers, iPhones and other technological objects that we use to communicate.

Mercury is the mythological god of communication, and healing. Mercury Retrograde is a period when, due to the relationship of Earth to the planet Mercury, it appears that Mercury is going backwards, although this is an illusion not the reality.

Therefore, illusions are very much an issue during Mercury Retro, and staying grounded and centered is especially important. Seeing behind what others say and being careful about the clarity of your own statements is especially important!

At this point in time, you have opportunities and challenges. I find Mercury retro especially useful to go back and redo old actions that were not successful the first time around…it is almost like rewind time for an old tape.

It is not an especially good time to take on new actions, for communication lines are tangled and you will need to spend a lot of your time inwardly straightening them out so the alignment is correct before you can proceed.

For those of you very esoterically oriented, Mercury is supposed to be one of the incarnations of that individual known as Valmiki/Thoth/Mercury/Paracelsus/St Germain. You can therefore call on the assistance of this energy during this period of time.

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