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The walls between the dimensions are crumbling, and more and more people are working in awareness that the inner worlds are not empty silent places but are full of life forms and knowledge of many different kinds.

meditationWe are learning we are not the only conscious life forms in the universe. These other life forms are not all powerful but are knowledgeable in areas in which we may need to act – just as we are knowledgeable in our dimension. Sometimes we need each other’s help to achieve some specific goal.

During the Kali Yuga (the age of darkness), from which we are just now emerging, it was very difficult to see into spirit: matter was too dense. Therefore, we needed to close out the senses to the outside world so that we could focus on the inner world.

Around the earth, many different systems were developed to achieve this conscious connection to subtle spirit. People were willing to pay the price of withdrawing from the world, so that they could achieve the goal of connecting to sources of inner knowledge and wisdom.

But, today, it is becoming increasingly necessary to achieve conscious contact with these other dimensions. This is because, as the walls between dimensions grow thin, our actions are increasingly affecting each other.

This contact needs to be done in a consciousness of equality. That is: we are not, as humans, going in as beggars – or as rulers. We are equals in an interdimensional partnership of life forms that come together to achieve goals not achievable by one dimension alone.

This contact is achieved through the very same process as meditation – a turning inward, a concentration then blending with the consciousness we are seeking. However, there is an important, primary distinction between interdimensional communication and classical meditation. Interdimensional communication – let’s call it the meditation of action – is active, interactive, and socially responsible.

Today, an interdimensional communicator (such as myself) will sit down, quiet the mind, and seek out the correct interdimensional life form to Battle with Wood Elvescommunicate with for a specific situation. The interdimensional communicator can see inwardly, and has acquired the knowledge, including through the school of hard knocks, to differentiate the kind of life form who is approaching. Is it a “coyote” trickster spirit speaking, or some being who wants help and to help? What kind of capacity does the life form have? What knowledge? What does it require from me to complete its personal task (which might range from correcting damage to a piece of land to assisting a human being in crisis)? These beings have a threefold reason for contact: they need help, they want to help, or they want to socialize/play.

Notice I have not said “they want to obstruct.” This is because, from the Melchizedek perspective that I adhere to, dark or obstructive forces are, simply put, instruments of the ultimate one source to get a situation corrected and aligned to the one light. I understand this one source to be creating a conscious universe of companions to itself. We come to full awareness via interactions with the light and the dark. Sometimes we have to learn not to put our hand in the fire by putting our hand in the fire!

So from this point of view, meditation leads to interdimensional awareness. Interdimensional communication goes beyond meditation, beyond sitting and entering into non-action. It is learning to come into conscious, interactive contact with energies whose homes are in other dimensions. This ability to contact other life forms is limited only by the levels of awareness achieved by the individual; how refined, how aware, how open the individual is to contact with other types of consciousness. Conscious contact continues clear up into the ultimate source itself – connection with whom the meditater is seeking as well. In both cases, the individual is limited only by the extent to which they have developed their own consciousness.

This article was originally published in 2016.

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