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The tree shown here is one of my favorites for showing just how detailed the nature spirits can be in their tree sculpting, what a keen sense of humor they have, and also how savvy they are on slang usage by us humans.

logger and the ratI discovered this marvelous tree along the path leading to a famous historical site on Michigan’s upper peninsula. It is called Log Slide and is located inside the Pictured Rocks National Park. The log slide is where loggers would haul trees that had been cut down and slide them down into Lake Superior for transport.

This photo shows what the nature spirits thought of the human life forms who were doing this work – that they were dumb, and that they were rats for cutting down all their friends the other trees without even a thank you to the trees involved.

But nature spirits are old souls and they have a sense of humor about it all. They must have been trying to tell the lumberjacks not to do this to the land, the lumberjacks were not listening, and so the nature spirits gave up and decided to have a sense of humor about it all, which is depicted here.

It would take such small effort on the part of humans to thank the trees for their service, before beginning to cut. It is a reminder to all of us to thank the trees, rocks, plants and land for the selfless offering these life forms provide every day to make our life on earth healthier, safer and more pleasant.

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