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We in our cultural societies today operate from a viewpoint of hierarchy. That is, there are levels of authority. There are levels from those in poverty to the very rich. Government and military operate on these levels and channels of leadership. Someone is always over someone else.

a lateral viewThis same idea also applies on the spiritual level. We have ascended masters and others in spiritual leadership. When we think about raising consciousness, we think vertical, going up, and there is nothing wrong with that idea. However, let’s look at it from a different perspective.

Consciousness may also be approached on a lateral level. In other words, let us look at spirituality horizontally. This level of observation requires a balanced view of relationships on all levels. Not only are we looking at spiritual views, groups, and traditions of spirituality, but we are viewing people as equals. In other words, we would look at the indigenous cultures, or any of the other pathways, with respect and strive to understand the common bonds. When we do this, we are able to work in harmony with each other. There is the ability to work out differences in an equal and positive way.

Individually, we have the opportunity to take our personal situations, strifes, and disagreements and look at them laterally. Doing this, we have a much more balanced view of these situations. We can then rise above them, looking down to get the larger perspective, and arrive at a peaceful and harmonious conclusion.

Hierarchy creates levels of authority. Lateral creates respect and understanding where all are equal.

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