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This article on the esoteric aspects of Atala’s work was written by Anna J. Anthony and appeared in Conscious Community, Chicago’s metaphysical magazine.

Atala Dorothy Toy is the president and founder of Crystal Life Technology Inc., an interdimensional communicator, nature spirit photographer, practicing yogi, author, and former trustee with The American Society of Dowsers. This is just a small list of Atala’s accomplishments and contributions to the metaphysical realm.

Crystal-Life-in-sunHer store Crystal Life Technology Inc. is located at 121 S. 3rd St. Geneva, IL 60134… In this magical location you will find a variety of life enhancing items such as healing gemstones, sacred geometry functional art pieces, Atala’s Nature photography and books, dowsing tools, and jewelry with a purpose as well as many other amazing products. Every member of her staff is a light worker possessing a variety of spiritual gifts. The team is always available to guide you on your journey to finding the right item for your needs.

CC: …How was your business received in the Fox Valley Community when it first opened and what has made you so successful all of these years?

AT: It was received quite well actually. I had a huge support from the yoga community that I am strongly involved in. I started out as a booth in a group of vendors in St. Charles, IL. After a short amount of time my booth was moved to the front because so many people were interested in product .When this group of merchants dissolved I found this spot in downtown Geneva I knew that it was perfect. I have been successful out of sheer determination. I also rely on a group of angels that I call the 3M consisting of Metatron, Melchizedeck, & Michael. I also communicate with the Egyptian god Thoth.

CC: At what point did your spiritual gifts of communication and elevated consciousness begin to intensify?

AT: I was working for the United Nations and I became ill with electromagnetic poisoning. The doctors said there was nothing that could be done. I chose to seek healing, truth and light from my angels and they delivered. The forces of Truth and light want to be asked questions. Dark forces do not. When I was ill I was able to hear things that a healthy person would have blocked out. I developed a trust with this group of angels that I communicate with and I have become their ambassador. I execute what they impress on me to be done on earth even when it isn’t always what I want.

Yellow Calcite from Crystal Life

Yellow Calcite from Crystal Life

CC: I know many people walk into your store that have never used crystal healing in their lives. What advice do you give to them? Also what steps can one follow to get the most out of their crystals?

AT: First of all find a store that resonates with you. Is it clean and organized? How does the energy feel? There was a store in Greenwich Village that always felt better than the others to me. It took me awhile to realize what was different about it. Finally I realized it was the crystals. Stones are what form our world. Stones hold consciousness for everything to grow on. Their molecules hold the frequency that helps hold that powerful energy. If someone is looking to gain a deeper understanding of crystal healing I encourage them to research, read a book on crystals. For the best results be quiet and think of the achievements you are desiring from the stones. Place them in your environment and focus on the energies you are needing from them. I use a clear crystal quartz to drape my jewelry on at night to energize it. Also keep in mind that everything needs a little rest and relaxation. Give them a break from time to time. Cleanse them in a sea salt bath, with incense or by the light of the moon. Pay attention to your stones. Sometimes they have served their purpose and it’s time for you to move to something else. Some examples of this could be a piece of jewelry with the stone breaking or you simply don’t feel the energy from it anymore. You are done with this stone and it is time to move on to another.

CC: When did nature first speak to you?

smiling magnolia-Atala-ToyAT: I think nature spoke to me when I was very young but I didn’t realise it at the time. I think this rings true for so many of us.

CC: What has made you successful in capturing so many amazing nature spirits in photographs and what advice would you give to others that are interested in capturing a glimpse of these amazing beings?

AT: When doing this type of work you enter into a contract. Contracts are always negotiable. I studied photography for 6 years at COD to prove myself qualified to take these pictures. When you enter into a natural environment salute the Deva of the area. Explain your intentions. Let them know you would like to show humans the reality of their existence and invite anyone who would like to be photographed to come forward. Green people are philosophers and teachers. They are thrilled when you seek their wisdom. When you make a connection with them ask them to tell you more about themselves. They will and it is their greatest gift to you. Start in your own garden or yard. Pick an area that needs attention and tend to it. Be aware that you exist with other realities. Watch the ants, birds & flowers. Feel love in your own garden.

CC: I am feeling very guilty right now Atala. I am thinking about my garden filled with weeds. I have neglected it out of being too busy.

AT: That’s ok. Nature spirits understand that we are all busy. Tackle an area that you can make a difference in then pick another area the next time. They will appreciate your love and work and you will start to feel the benefits.

CC: What legacy do you wish to leave behind in this lifetime?

AT: I wish to help every awakened individual reach their potential. I want each customer walking into the Crystal Life Technology to become more interconnected with the universe. I want to help people to further awaken. I am a placeholder for good. I am a vessel that acts upon the messages I am given. I want to continue improving on my skills while strengthening my staff to send off into the world to be strong instruments. Just when you achieve something you start all over again and become a beginner once again. The world becomes new again and you are ready for a new challenge and a new lesson.

Visit Crystal Life Technology Inc. online at www.crystal-life.com to view a variety of sacred arts, healing crystals, jewelry with a purpose including the up and coming Fairy Teardrop and Fairy Dust lines. You can also view her online Nature Spirit Photography Gallery.

Anna is the advertising coordinator for Conscious Community Magazine. She is passionate about collaborating and promoting local artisans, Lightworkers, and conscious business owners. In her free time, Anna studies the art of tarot, the paranormal, and is curious about various forms of consciousness and spreading light and magic to others.

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