If you’re reading this, chances are very high that you know that having expanded capabilities is very much a reality or you’ve had some experiences in your life or that of a loved one, that have made you curious and thirsting for more information.
You may be asking, indigo, crystal, rainbow? What does this all mean and where do I fit in? These are simply very broad generalizations of the new consciousness that has been emerging for decades, and been working to help our consciousness for centuries.
Anyone of the new consciousness will not look different than any one else. If you’ve read that indigo’s or crystal’s all have amazing blue eyes, think on how absolutely limiting that would be if it were true! Entire cultures would be eliminated from this evolution, and that simply isn’t what is occurring.
Who are the indigos?
Throughout history there have been individuals who have existed to bring about change in the way we think, to break outdated behaviors and to set examples, providing a new path for the rest of mankind to follow. Some of these people are famous, most are not, but they were brought here to set the stage for the future of our planet, for the new generation of consciousness that is trying to break all of the world free from the limited ways of thinking, loving and existing that we have shouldered and endured for millennia.
Indigos have been coming to the earth longer than many have recognized, perceived and acknowledged. Think on those from the 20th century who set about great change for society- to allow more freedoms for all, and you’ll see examples of indigos. The civil rights movement was liberally littered with indigos, the Kennedy family and their call for our countrymen to rise up and help their fellow man and the world through the Peace Corp and other venues; those are ideas of indigos. Indigos are visionaries of change, soldiers for doing the right thing, sensitive souls who want to create a better world for all. Slightly fiery, sensitive to the greater good for all, and above all, believe in fairness, compassion, justice and balance for every soul on our planet.
The early indigos are brave souls known as indigo scouts. Indigo scouts were like a scout in a Native American tribe; their job here was to assess if the earth was ready for the flood of indigos, and to make the appropriate steps to make positive changes, and standards in their corner of the world. An indigo scout could have been a highly influential teacher in your past, a leader of a scout troop, perhaps a local politician setting the stage for the rest of country to follow by making changes that would have been seen as risks, and revolutionary. Indigo scouts have been assisting our planet and it’s consciousness for centuries.
The term “indigo” came from the prominence of that color within the auric field. Do not be fooled by those who wish to state that a child of any new consciousness has specific physical characteristics. These souls come from every background, every religion, every skin color. They are also charming, shy, quick witted and introspective-they are every possibility there is, and this is how it should be. Many of the new consciousness may have an appearance that is similar to their heritage-their soul heritage. Some may remind you of a mermaid, others a tree, while some do have traits that seem to be that of an imp or a leprechaun while others are undefinable due to their other worldness. These souls are here in every possible shape and form for their role is meant to impact every part of our world.
Many articles and books that are available will tell you that each new wave of consciousness has certain characteristics, and this is simply NOT true. This old way of defining and pigeon holing individuals is exactly what the new consciousness is here to do away with. These souls are here to stop the stereotyping, the labeling and to help every one rise to a level that comes from the heart, from love, not power and hierarchy.
The indigo children are now adults, and in some circumstances, the early arrivals have retired and are still making positive contributions to their fellow earth friends. Many don’t know they are indigos, they just know they don’t quite fit into society, that they can never conform. Others have struggled desperately with the lack of love that exists on our earth plane, and have had lives that are brave, reacting outwardly in desperation to wake us all from our sleep and bad habits, the inability of the world to love unconditionally. Indigos have courageously brought our awareness to many issues in society that were stifling, smothering and very close-minded, and often at the expense of their lives, their joy and happiness.
Indigos were never meant to conform, indigos are all about bringing about change- changing the old laws and rules that are outdated, creating a more open society in mind and in heart. The wave of indigos from the near end of the 20th century are now over 30 and are helping to raise the next generation of souls that they were brought here to pave the way for, crystals.
© 2011 Tracy Paddy Seccombe
©2011 Crystal Life Technology, Inc
Hello, and thank you for the information. I am guilty of characterizing our sensitive friends into neat, little boxes as I’ve “learned” about each of them from books. One question, though: I have an 11 1/2 yr. old who shows most traits of the Indigo, however the above info. would place him into the “Crystal” category. Are there still Indigo children arriving? Or would he fall into another group – Or does it suffice to just chill and know he is sensitive. I just want to learn all I can to continue to help him and his brother adjust. The 11-yr. old has said, during a night terror, that he wants “to go Home”.
Hi Pam!
One of my biggest frustrations, as an indigo and a mother of three crystals, is that too many individuals haven’t realized that new consciousness coming to assist our world evolve is more like a sky full of the waves from the norther lights, than anything science has trained us to think.
These individuals have so many traits that are unique to each soul that each is a blending of gifts that are necessary for our world to continue to shift, grow and evolve. This is why the labels just don’t work, for the idea of uniqueness is now stronger than ever before.
Your child is most likely a blending of different energies and I think you need to see him as a soul of the new consciousness.
I find that books on this topic are scarce and often outdated, but there was a CD that my children and I listened to on a road trip that was really eye opening for them. Doreen Virtue has a double cd on Indigos, Crystals & Rainbows. Every one of us could relate to a variety of the aspects she speaks on. I’m not saying I agree with everything she says, but it is a good tool. Just remember, the things that resonate with you are more important than what does not. Take what feels right and go with it.
The going home comment I can relate too very much. This world is very overwhelming to many of the youth and adults, and I would suggest you ask about home with open curiosity and delight. This is an opening for you to assist your child in discussing knowledge that is at or just below the surface. Ask what it is about home they’re longing for, what impressions they have of home, and then find out why home is preferable to them. It might just be homesickness, or it might clue you into something they’re struggling with and thus, why the night terror. Either way, I’ve found it’s extremely important to talk openly and often to help my youth traverse the old energies that overwhelm and confuse them.
Feel free to ask questions any time, Pam!