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holiday gourdsCreating balance in the dining room is essential for the enjoyment of a good meal. Feng Shui can help create abundant energy in this area of the home. As the holidays are upon us it is especially important to practice some basic and simple steps.

Start clearing clutter and do a thorough cleaning of the room. A dining room table with round corners, or oval shape, is preferred over a rectangular one. Sharp corners on a rectangular or square table create “Shar Chi”, also known as a poison arrow which disrupts the flow of energy or sends sharp energy to whoever is in its path. Never seat anyone at the corner of a sharp table. The table should be in proportion with the room.

A long time ago, when I had a rectangular table with sharp corners and square shaped legs, whoever was seated in the corner had an accident. They would either trip or fall or did not have a good experience seating for a meal. After I learned about Feng Shui the dining room table was exchanged for an oval one.

Next, use an even number of chairs. High and slightly rounded backs are preferred for comfort and protection. For an explanation of this preference, see my previous blog: “Practical Applications of Feng Shui’s Four Celestial Guardians.”  Most tables are set up for an even amount of chairs, it is a very Yin and receptive quality.

Colors are important. The color red stimulates the appetite and is the color of activation. Use it as an accent for flowers, candles, napkins, table linens, platters, plates, table accessories and decoration.  Red does its job not only because it is a warm color, but because of its Yang quality. This Yang quality is sure to stimulate the appetite and interaction of those seated for a meal.  You’ll have a cozy, comfortable, happy, and hungry crowd at your dining room.

The air we breathe plays a big role in our emotions. Good music and fragrance goes a long way to create a comfortable and relaxed setting. Plants can also have a big impact on the energy of our space and the air we breath. Amaryllis bulbs, as well as poinsettias, are popular gifts this time of the year.

Dust off those holidays CD’s and play music that brings great memories, and infuse your home with the spirit of the holidays! Your food will be tastier when you are in a happy mood. A happy mood brings gratefulness and cheer in everything we do.

Happy Holidays!

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