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We are made up of the same chemical and mineral  composition as stones. Within the stones these elements are static until they come into contact with the electrical field of the body, where they are activated and come into resonance with you.This resonating energy then is attracted into your energy field, resulting in your absorbing the energetic element that you are lacking. If there is an abundance of the mineral/chemical, it rebalances your energy field to a harmonic state.

It has been my practice over time to frequently handle, meditate with, or to sleep with my stones, large or small. There are those who will tell you not to sleep with a room full of crystals/gemstones because you will not sleep. This may be true for man,y and you must experiment with this process. I did not sleep “normally” before and sleeping with stones has not changed my experience. The Idea is that you work with your stones for a period of time. This allows you to become familiar with your stones, to gain an understanding of them. In short, to eventually acquire the ability to call upon their energy when you do not have the stone physically with you. It is my practice to work with a stone for a period of twenty eight days or a moon cycle. It is typical with many healing modalities to work in such a cycle, some requiring more days and perhaps some less.

This is the manner in which I work with stones, I would ask you to try it and then develop it to your own personal style.This is by no means the only way to work with them. You could also start with a specialty stone such as the Shiva Lingam or even the Rudraksha Seed, which were discussed in the latest newsletter from Crystal Life. You may also choose a statue, stone or seed to work with.

First: approach the stone using your pendulum or direct conscious connection. Ask if you may work with the stone or seed. If you receive a “yes” continue, if not come back later. If you have several stones, go through the process with each one to determine which one will work with you. This is akin to the process used with the pendulum. You now have a stone who has honored your request and had honored your respect toward it. In this twenty eight day cycle, you will meditate with it, journey with it, experiment with it, or just let it teach you how it is able to work with you.

At night, when going to bed, talk to the stone and with its permission, establish what you want to accomplish with it during your sleep and request recall when you wake up. You may hold it, place it under your pillow, rest it at your heart level – any position is OK. During the night, or in the morning you may find that the stone has moved to your ankle or some other place on the body. This is normal for the stone to move. When you wake up, notice if there are any changes. How do you feel? For some changes it will take a day or two to notice. Record any insights you receive during your twenty-eight day cycle. Please use what works for you and develop it further to your satisfaction.

Stones and natural items to assist in this process.

Shiva Lingam – Represents Shiva’s creative power, the union of male and female. Change. Use it to connect with Shiva and his consort.

Rudraksha Seed – Sacred healing seed given by Shiva to the people to assist whatever ailed them.

Rhyolite – Facilitates deep meditation and journeying.

Amethyst – Deep meditative enhancement aids memory.

Herkimer Diamond – Stimulates higher spiritual attunements and aids in dream recall.

Ultimately, the best way to connect with your crystal/gemstone (or ordinary stone or natural object) is to just do it and enjoy the experience.

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