There were a lot of vortexes along a New England woodland path that led to an ancient archaeological site. A group of us were out for a walk and I had been commenting on feeling the vortex energy at various spots along the way. Our guide on this expedition continued walking as I paused to snap some photos. Lucky me! Look what I just “happened’ to photograph…

Walking towards a vortex – 1
Some high consciousness vortexes are blue in color. Note in this sequence of photos how my friend was walking towards a vortex area (seen to his left, a blue color in an otherwise autumn gold area); gets closer; then begins to walk into the vortex – note the blue all around him, on the ground and behind his legs. The fourth photo is a close up of the blue energy showing behind his legs.
What a treat to have photographed this natural earth phenomena! …Atala

walking towards the vortex – 2

walking into the vortex

walking into the vortex-close up – note blue behind his legs