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A number of people in the Midwest area where I live have asked me to look at their land – my job is land energy clearing – because they have the sensation of there being very large beings existing in subtle form who are attempting to interact with them or their land. This has happened often enough now, with the same conclusion when I interdimensionally examine the property, for me to feel confident in expressing what I have found.

There are, co-existing with us on earth, many other life forms. Some exist in other dimensions. One of these dimensions is becoming more easily able to interact with ours. That is because the frequency of earth is changing, the cosmos is changing, and these two dimensions, previously kept separate, are beginning to interact.

These life forms interact only with life forms in our dimension who are able to see subtle energy – gentle folk who love nature and who are kind in their interactions. The life forms in this other dimension who we are able to see or sense are gentle as well.

The description of these life forms, from people seeking my assistance in assessing the situation on their land, is always the same. The life forms are very tall and willowy, love music and nature. They are community people, living in communities with cathedrals, royal halls and apartment-like complexes, all of which look to my eyes like iridescent, glittering crystalline grids that go far up into the air.

They are interested in working with humans on the maintenance of earth in a natural, holistic manner that honors the trees, plants, rocks, animals – all that lives on the planet. They are interested in teaching humans how to be good stewards of the land in the proper way. That is, we humans are meant to monitor all the resources and keep them optimized for the good use of all the life forms existing in that place. That is our job – one we seriously need help learning to fulfill.

I don’t know the names of these life forms – yet – they are content for me to refer to them as the First People. They can move about. They can also stand still as columns of light protecting a piece of property.

When the people living or working on the property are kind and gentle and seek to live in harmony honoring all, there are many columns of these lights sustaining and energizing the property. When they are present, the humans do not need to do any cleansing of the property, as these First People are maintaining the healthy energy. However, if in the human realm the energies on the property should go into polarity – as in a fight or argument – the columns of light collapse and withdraw into the other dimension. They can be coaxed to return when harmony returns.

This, then, brings to mind all the tales of a new world gradually dawning on earth. When we humans get our own act together, and are therefore aware of more subtle levels of consciousness, we will find we are interacting with many more life forms than we know of now. Sending radio waves out into space is a very, very limited way for humans to attempt to contact other life forms. Shifting consciousness is much more effective, and is being used already by many groups on earth to communicate with other types of life forms.

**Please note, Atala no longer provides land clearing services and consultations. **

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