Crystals have been admired, and used as precious jewelry, for centuries. Their unique color, brightness and beauty are living works of art. Crystals are also used as healing instruments and tools because of their subtle and profound ability to change our energy, aura, and health. It is not unusual to see adults, as well as children, carrying tumbled stones or figurines made of a certain specimen in their purse, pocket or backpacks. There are hundreds of stones used for this, from the US and around the world, each one with their own unique field of vibration.
Many Feng Shui consultants prescribe the use of faceted crystals as well as natural crystals to balance the energy and enhance different areas of the home and office. The energy that radiates from the crystal vibrates in harmony with the environment, the physical body and the mind. Crystals continually, and automatically, try to keep us in harmony with life. Because every crystal is a distinct individual, some people find it useful to know which one to use, and where.

The Feng Shui energetic map, also known as the Bagua, is divided into 9 areas. The areas are: Family and Health. Wealth and Prosperity, Fame and Reputation, Relationships and Marriage, Children and Creativity, Helpful People and Travel, Career, Knowledge and Self-Cultivation, and lastly, the Center. The use of which stone depends on the color or energy of the area. You may also choose a stone according to your needs at this point.
For example, in the Relationship Area rose quartz is a favorite stone. It represents compassionate love, and infinite peace. It is a true essence of love for others, and the self. If a situation in a relationship needed balance and clarity then a pink tourmaline could be used. The vibration of the color pink is used in this area.
Here are some suggestions for which type of stone to use in the different sections of the Bagua. How it is selected depends upon its shape, color and properties.
1) FAMILY AND HEALTH AREA: There is “Strength” in numbers. A cluster shape stone or a few specimens would be useful in this area. Use either clear crystals, or the colors green and blue. Such stones include Jade, Green Aventurine, Apatite and Lapis Lazuli. The element in this area is wood.

2) WEALTH AND PROSPERITY: Amethyst is the most popular stone to activate the energy of “Gratitude”. Citrine can also be used for abundance and self-confidence. Clusters of stones are also a great shape for this area as well as the colors red and blue. Some examples of stones are Red Jasper, Purple Mookite Jasper, and Chrysocolla. Pyrite, also known as the “fools gold”, can also be used to enhance the energy of this area.
3) FAME AND REPUTATION: The color red, and a Pyramidal shape enhances the energy of “Integrity”. Red Jasper obelisks and pyramids are a great example to use in this area. The element in this area is fire.
4) RELATIONSHIPS AND MARRIAGE: For the most Yin and “Receptive” area of the Bagua, the colors pink, red and white as well as soft rounded surfaces are useful. The very popular Rose Quartz in the shape of a heart is a great enhancer in this area of the bedroom. Be sure to use stones in multiples of 2. Other examples are Pink Opal, Morganite and Pink Tourmaline.
5) CHILDREN AND CREATIVITY: Crystal balls, white and metallic stones activate the energy of “Inner Joy”. A Hematite or Crystal ball and tumbled stones are great for this area. The element in this area is metal.
6) HELPFUL PEOPLE AND TRAVEL: A crystal globe is a wonderful addition to this area, especially if you like to travel or would like to travel. White and gray stones, cathedral shaped or any multi-sided stone works wonders to activate the energy of “Synchronicity”.

Blue Kyanite
7) CAREER: This is also the location of the water element. It is the energy of “Depth”. Any irregular shape, cluster shape, garden crystals and reflective stones are useful. For colors, deep blues, black are the color for the area. Black Kyanite is a great stone to have around electronic equipment if you have an office in this area. Blue Calcite as well as Blue Kyanite. are also great stones to use this area.
8) KNOWLEDGE AND SELF-CULTIVATION: Crystals that are black, green and blue are great enhancers. Mountain is the shape of this area because “Stillness” is the energy of the space. This is a great space to meditate. Apatite as well as Blue Lace Agate are great stones for this area.
9) CENTER AREA: Also the place of balance or Yin and Yang is where the “Earth” element resides. All crystals are at home here. The shape of the area is square and yellows, reds, ochres and browns are useful. If the center of your home is the kitchen or a family room, some agate slices for coasters or trays are a wonderful addition.